I see a lot of men starting to go to gym (wich is a good thing for physical health) but I never see anyone talk about mental health (wish is as much or probably much more important for them or to attract women for those who workout to max their looks).

So. What do you do on a daily basis that makes you happy?

(Sorry for my english, not my 1st language)

EDIT : I’m a big fan of physical activity in general. It absolutely helps improving mental health BUT I just think it’s good to have other sources of happiness because if you base your identity on “I’m the sport guy”, if for any reason you can’t train, you feel like sh*t. For exemple, I’ve known a bunch of dudes with the best shape of their lifes having massive social anxiety. And you can train your social skills too while you continue your training and it will massively improve your mental health VS only working out and talking to no one 🤷

  1. An hour on the rowing machine while thinking about how much stronger I’m getting makes me incredibly happy.

  2. 3 things, get out of bed by myself, feed myself and wipe my own ass, everything else is a bonus. I have seen people who could not do these things, seems like life sucks for them.

  3. Playing the guitar, texting with my friends, walking in nature, cooking something delicious, cuddling cats, having great coffee. Trying to find joy in small things and while I can’t say I’m happy, it helps a bit so I don’t feel like shit for a while.

  4. Not every day, but trying to read more. Getting away from the screens, relaxing, and focusing on something.

  5. I’m still trying to figure out a weekly system I can do for this specially I’m living alone, got no family in state, and only have my cats.

    Movie night every friday – I’m thinking maybe going to cinema every friday, but man I’m not a fan of watching movie without subtitle, so I guess time to get HBO max

    City/park walk surrounded by people after work – still trying to figure this out, when I was in europe (dublin), there are a lot of people and restaurants in middle of alley, and having a hard time doing that at my city. Not really a fan of drinking so I guess I’ll walk a short 2 mile loop trail every after work.

    Sports – i play pickup basketball every saturday, this allows me to have a team collab every week, luckily someone I know from church invited me. Thinking of joining jui jutsu as this basketball is seasonal only.

    Alone time – I’m thinking of reading manga/manhua, but its hard to find a good read these days, so I’ll try brans and nobles and see if anything is interesting.

    As you can see its a work in progress, I’m trying to reverse engineer my ideal life and I’m still trying to figure out my what I really want. What I’m dreading for right now are friends on same stage of life that I can consider as family. It’s hard.

  6. Feeding my Rottweiler breaks thru some euphoric bliss.
    My girl RIP and I got him since he was 8 weeks old a little bear cub. Well she paid for him. She passed away in 2019. I had vivid dreams about the dog for months straight until I knuckled up and went to go get him from where he was holed up in deplorable conditions. I got him and he has been 4 years with me now. This year I have been in a really dark place and he just puts his paw on top of my knee to let me know that everything will be alright.

  7. Sit under a tree for about five minutes.

    It feels good on your back and is a great way to reconnect with the natural world.

  8. Every morning after I feed my cat and make my coffee, I head to my desk to start work and she jumps into my lap to fall asleep. Gets me every time.

  9. Nature hikes or a walk in the park if you don’t live near a trail. Reading a book in a cafe. Lifting weights.

  10. When I am absolutely out of it in the morning, I get a cappucino and some stupid snack from dunkin or starbucks. I dont care about the weather. Just being outside is a bit of a reset. Hell i even enjoy just being out in the rain the other day. Little stuff like that makes me feel alive.

    Oh and also, I discovered “Ol’e Nessie” from Mastodon the other week when I was randomly out in the morning. Now that really woke me up.

  11. I go to the gym for both physical and mental health. Any body movement in general is good to refresh the mind, I feel.

  12. Come home to peace and quiet, and the ability to do whatever I want once I have been able to wind down a little and not feel so stressed.

  13. – tell myself dumb jokes and then chuckle about them
    – make progress on my physical health journey
    – improve my surroundings. I bought a fixer-upper so there is a ton to do
    – walk
    – dream hopefully about the future
    – put positive energy into my local atmosphere when I’m out. Being friendly, saying hello on the trail to strangers, stuff like that
    – listen to music, dance and sing, just messing around at home
    – make progress on my projects at work
    – stretching, deep breathing, mediation, etc
    – I recently started taking Saffron as a supplement. It’s been about a month and it does seem to help increase mood positivity
    – eating a good diet. For me eating lots of fiber like lettuce and stuff is important for a positive mood. Keep your gut bugs happy and they’ll help keep you happy

  14. I get this may be tough to find time for guys with kids but for me it’s a morning coffee before work. I really enjoy waking up even 20-30mins earlier to ensure I can sit and relax while having a coffee before getting ready for the day

  15. I play video games, a lot of people treat them as a way to pass the time, but I take them very seriously and get a lot of enjoyment out of them.

  16. Don’t have much going on in life but I try to make time to play with the farm cats every day. Usually just sit down on the back porch and let whoever wants some attention come sit with me to get it for 5 or 10 minutes.

  17. I have a dog.
    Every day, we give kisses and snuggles, we play. She is a source of happiness which does not get old. Having a dog gives you a high level of happiness that never gets boring. Other humans get boring, my dog is never boring.

    Every night, we snuggle up to sleep. Every day starts nicely and ends nicely. Even if I’m pissed off about something in the moment, having her around will have a positive effect on me. Like she will check in on me when she knows I’m unhappy, then I’m petting a dog! How can you not be happy when you were petting a dog?

    I also snuggle up with a big fluffy teddy bear. It is cute, huggable, kissable, it feels exactly like making out with a girl. I don’t have a girlfriend and my heart was broken beyond repair so even though it’s been over 10 years now, I will never love again. I will never trust a woman again. My point is that if you do not have a significant other, you can use a surrogate.

    I often find happiness in my work by putting enough attention and effort into it that I can be proud of it. If I’m a floor sweeper, I am going to get so good at it that I am more efficient than others and I will outperform them by working at a higher standard. What I mean by that is that you can take things which are arbitrary or trivial and just engage with those things at a high level of quality, that will give you pride and pride is a source of happiness.

    I spend time on reddit, that makes me happy every day.

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