Let’s pretend that you are BBQing dinner for the family, and that one burger in the corner gets charred.

Who gets the burnt burger?

1. Me. I fucked up and I’ll own it.
2. The spouse. If you sneak it between the buns, maybe they won’t notice.
3. The kids. They don’t appreciate good food anyways.
4. The dog/trash – no-one deserves the burnt burger.

I’m sure this has never happened in real life, but what is usually the outcome for everyone?

  1. No dogs and I’m usually just cooking the exact number of burgers we need so it goes to me. My mistake, my sacrifice. Fortunately, I also know what I’m going to load it up with to cover it’s less than stellar quality… 🙂

  2. 1. Or 4.
    2. Seems mean, and 3. The kids would throw a bigger picky fit about dinner than they already do. I don’t need that headache.

  3. OP… that is not what “sneak it between the buns” means, but we can agree to commiserate over the not noticing part

  4. It’s always 1.

    If I’m cooking and I mess something up, I eat it. The uglier pancake, the more burnt toast, the crumbled cake slice, the fatty meat cut.

  5. I’ll try to take the burnt burger, but usually my husband steps in and takes it anyway!

  6. Depends.
    If only 1 burger per person. Probably me.

    My parents both prefer “well done” meat so maybe them?

  7. My husband always takes the burnt “burger”.

    I tend to either give it to the dog who doesn’t care or trash it which the dog very much does care about that.

  8. Depends on how burnt. If It’s bad enough I wouldn’t eat it, I’m not serving it to anyone.

  9. It’s always me- if I made the food, I’m taking the food I messed up on. If we had extras (normally not the case) the dog would be thrilled though

  10. This is easy in my house because I love burnt stuff. Unless you mean like actually too burnt to be edible.

  11. In our house #2 because I am “the spouse” and I kinda like my meats a bit burnt… if I didn’t then it would probably be #4 because one burnt burger isn’t the end of the world, the dogs can have a little treat.

    When I’m the one cooking and hubby is “the spouse” I will sometimes choose #1 if it’s something like pancakes or toast and it’s not so far gone as to be inedible.

    I appreciate the policy of “my mistake my sacrifice” and we do try to live that way when it’s not so bad that it’s unfit for human consumption, it’s just that with regards specifically to meat it is like 90% my husband cooking and me being a weirdo who likes meat that’s over cooked so I take one for the team if and when it happens

  12. Depends on how burnt and how picky the kids are xD

    If it’s very burnt, like it’ll be very noticable I’d just toss it and make another. If it’s only a little burnt and the kids aren’t too picky, probably give it to them. If the kids are picky and it’s not too burnt I’d just eat it myself.

  13. I know the first one is usually a dud and so I typically take it because it’s gonna be cold and I was the one who messed it up. I can always go back and get one of the good ones since I typically make extras.

  14. If there isn’t enough I would take the burnt one unless someone who likes burnt stuff is there. My sister in law likes it that way lol. If there is extra I would give to dog and if dog won’t eat it then it goes in trash. I am this way when going places lol. If I don’t now what my husband wants I will get two of what he does like and then let him decide and I will eat the other since I am not picky about most things lol.

  15. There’s usually one person that likes them a bit burnt. That person gets it. If that person is absent I’ll eat it.

  16. I have to admit my shame to my family, and take my own life to restore their honor.

    It’s the only way

  17. 4. The dog would enjoy it and I wouldn’t. If there are only enough burgers for 1 apiece I get beans. I’d own it, but I don’t eat nasty burgers. I’d sooner skip. Actually one of my kids would get it because in a parenting fail, they would probably choose it. They like their burgers incinerated.

  18. 1, I’m not a picky eater. I’ll eat whatever. Rest of the family is pretty picky and can’t handle a char.

  19. I eat the fuck ups from the grill. I’m weird and prefer my stuff slightly burnt. Not a brick of charcoal burnt, but a Nice deep sear is nice imo.

  20. 4 is what I would do, but my husband does most of the cooking so I probably wouldn’t be on the grill.

  21. This morning I made us our usual breakfast tea, then I scrambled eggs and used a pan I don’t usually use. The eggs stuck to the pan and got crispy. I took the top layer of good fluffy egg off and gave it to my husband. The rest of the eggs I scraped onto a plate and ate a little bit before I just gave the eggs to my dog. Then I came over to enjoy my morning tea with my husband and he probably saw me eyeing his breakfast because he started making little bites for me to eat.

    What goes around I guess

  22. My dad. He loves to eat hockey pucks.

    Whenever our family has a cookout, the running joke is leave one on the grill for an hour for dad.

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