Hi all,

I know a guy who lives in my condo building and we are good friends. We coincidentally ended up finding each other on a dating app and he matched me. We’ve been speaking to each other for two months now (\~7 dates) and I’ve noticed the following things:


1. I met his kid and he suggested wanting me to meet his family
2. We haven’t had any real dates except for our first date which was a dinner date (all other dates were impromptu late night walks and/or going to the gym with him…)
3. Very sporadic and/or delayed with replying to texts


He compliments me a lot and uses terms of endearment to me. He suggests wanting to do a lot of potential dates (like going to this and that place) but it never really materializes.

I really don’t want to waste any more of my time with this guy as it feels like a rollercoaster with him and I’m not sure where I stand with him… 7 dates later. Should I just cut my losses and move on? Is he even into me?

  1. In my opinion, he does sound like he’s into you. As far as the dates, I think dates are just opportunities in which you guys have a chance to get to know each other more, which can take any form. Doesn’t have to be an expensive night out or a movie. It could just simply be a walk on the beach or hitting the gym.

    However 7 dates in, you guys should have probably discussed what exactly you two are to not misdirect each other as far as intentions.

    Have you ever planned out date for you guys or sparked up a “what are we” conversation with him?

  2. You can cut it off with him, or you can tell him you want to go on real dates and progress the relationship.

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