I have a friend (35f) who I use to be good friends with. We met at work and she was there for me during my breakup and I was there for her during her issues too.

I am still friends with her, but I am finding her not enjoyable to talk with over recent years. We haven’t worked together for a few years and things naturally faded.

Why I don’t like talking with her
– unaware of social boundaries
– overbearing
– always calls me out for not texting her. I’m not a huge texter in general but she’s kept pushing for me to text her more and more
– made a few of my friends uncomfortable by asking them to hang out when they barely know each other
– conversation is always pessimistic and about herself
– mops when she’s not invited to events when the organiser doesn’t like her

Im still friendly with her and hoping to just be friends with her in group settings. However today she confronted me, by continuously saying that she misses us and wants to catch up more. While I do feel bad she feels this way, I just don’t want to be close friends with her anymore. What should I do or not do?

Tldr: socially unaware ex-good friend confronted me that we should hang out more. I don’t want to be good friends anymore but ok to be friends as she is clingy and overbearing.

1 comment
  1. It sounds like she genuinely isn’t aware. Have you said any of this to her? “You’re probably way more negative than you realize, it makes it hard to talk to you sometimes.”

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