Who fell in love first? How long before you admitted it

  1. I did. I always do. It’s my undoing, but I can’t help it .

  2. I did. Big time. First date. I was like wow it’s her. And then I bribed her big time, there was no way she would not stay with this plan, that vacation around the corner. After 9 months took her to jamaica to really seal the deal. From there, I did not make any major mistake. 4.5 years on. We’re getting engaged.

  3. She admitted it first, but we were completely smitten from the get go. Just passed 15 yrs. last week.

  4. I did, for sure. First time I saw him I could barely speak a full sentence, I thought he was the coolest guy in the world. He admitted it first though, nine years after I initially fell for him.

  5. Does it really matter? It’s not a contest, there is no winner and loser.

  6. Me. The night I met her at a party she was so interesting, funny, smart and adorable. Broke up with my girlfriend that night and asked her to go on a date the next day

    So we’ve been together since I was 21 and we’re almost to 13 years

  7. I don’t know who fell in love first, probably some cave person from hundreds of thousands of years ago

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