Over the past few years I’ve studied heavily about Space and Paleoanthropology.
Every night before bed I study one or the other for about 30 mins. I’ll never really do anything with the information but I find it all fascinating.

Do you have a specific thing you study for pure enjoyment?

  1. A little bit of everything. Trains primarily. Some nuclear physics. Aircrafts.

    I kinda always liked to learn things.

  2. Music production. Countless restless nights, hours vanishing into the void without anything to show for it. It’s a devouring obsession at this point. Wouldn’t give it up for anything, though.

  3. Probably makes me sound stupid but, reading skills. Literacy.

    Reading fiction. I learned read quite late & I’m still slow at it, bad speller, so my fiancé reads the same book along with me. We are like a mini book group. It really helps and I feel improvement all the time.

  4. Almost anything DIY, How to, and life hacks. This year it’s been mostly video editing, street photography, meal prep, and mind/Hypnotherapy/third eye stuff

  5. At the moment nothing due to some medicine stripping away all my motivation but prior to that it was audio production and drugs. I could spend countless hours watching tutorials and reading up on audio production techniques, fiddling with synth and effect parameters to the point where I would get listening fatigue and everything sounded like shit.

    And the drugs thing I would consume some amphetamine and spend also hours reading up on drug interactions, chemical compositions and the sort

  6. Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and orbit modeling. What started as a little hobby got me more into NEO data modeling with Don Yeomans at JPL. Before he retired I worked on some scripts for external queries of their Small-Body database with an app I used called Celestia. Basically plug in the object you wanted to view; 2004 MN4, or do a basic query for:

    When: Future/Past/plus-minus 60 days, etc…

    Distance: <=1LD to <=.2AU

    H Limit: H<=26 to H<=14

    And then it would show a list of objects with the date they would make their closest approach to Earth. Click on an object and it would take you to it’s orbit on the day it would make it’s closest approach to Earth.

  7. I’m into standup comedy. I love to hear behind-the-scenes stuff and the process of developing material. Basically just means I listen to a lot of podcasts by and with comedians. Should probably read some of their books too.

  8. Art History, Military Strategy (leaning heavily towards Geopolitics), Stoic Philosphy, Wine, Steam Locomotives, Architecture (Specifically Cathedral Architecture), Dabbling in random languages

  9. I do bits and pieces tangential to my job that I’m fascinated by but don’t often get the opportunity to do because of deadlines. This mostly ends up being lots of maths, but also coding and electronics stuff and occasionally the history of science. I also play classical guitar and study that a bit, but not as much as I used to.

    Occasionally I’ll also look into some cool ecology stuff, but this mostly comes down to watching my cats 😂. Those little guys provide endless entertainment.

  10. Mostly biology. Even after you “learn” it, you forget a lot. So I’m always devoting a little bit of time to increasing my understanding of biology. Endocrine systems, metabolic functions, nutritional deficiencies, basically all stuff I can learn to improve my quality of life as a human being.

  11. I’ve always been interested in architecture. Historical buildings, new modern buildings, stadiums, skyscrapers, everything. Mostly just through YouTube videos and documentaries.

    For the longest time I wanted to be an architect growing up, but went a different direction when I got older.

  12. I can’t stop my mind from moving. So I learned years ago to just redirect it. Eventually one topic gets boring so I started cycling through a lot of topics. About every two months I switch it up.

  13. Right now it’s the Great Italian Wars starting in 1495, through the Siege of Malta, to Lepanto in 1571.

  14. Guns, cooking, guitars, and airplanes (cuz I’m going to school for it) are the only ones I have time for rn.

    If I had time, I’d like to touch up on my Spanish, learn Arabic, ASL, and Chinese, fishing, hunting, kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, machining, 3D printing, survivalist skills, and fashion design.

  15. i had this strange bronze age focus for like 2 years.

    but i gave me existencial anxiety somehow so i stopped

  16. This is kind of nerdy but since I was a kid playing video games I always was drawn into military tactics, different US wars, what weapons were used, etc. My grandpa would always watch me play tactical shooters or real time strategy games and we’d plan on plan our attack. He’d serve as sort of Command HQ and I’d be the on-field officer following his orders.

    I still love those video games to this day (whenever I have a few hours to burn) but I generally watch WWII documentaries, YouTube videos on new military tech, documentaries on navy seals training, you name it. I just find it so fascinating. Especially anything to do with WWII.

  17. Nazi Germany, and WWII. It amazes me how the mustache guy rose to power, and did what he did to the Jews, and all of Europe. No, I don’t agree with any of the Nazi ideology. It’s just hard for me to fathom what he was able to get away with.

  18. Some random science stuff (biology, math and physics for the most part I guess – basically Veritasium), mental health, photography (main hobby), videography, some obscure diseases, culinary techniques. And random obscure trivia about stuff in general.

  19. Science generally. Physics, cosmology, chemistry, quantum mechanics, astrophysics etc. Lots of documentaries and books available on that stuff. Currently rereading The history of the atomic bomb by Richard Rhodes.

    My other deep interest is steam locomotive history and design.

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