I (20F) go to an undergraduate program in some Asia country. My batch year’s major consists of just girls although it is a very small batch of just less than 10 girls. We all basically go to the same classes and labs everyday nowadays and we are quite close with each other. We have all been quite beaten up by college but we’re going through it slowly somehow

However there’s this one girl (20F) that’s been on my mind lately. She’s considered the prettiest and cutest out of all of us, both physically and in how she acts. I care for her a lot in almost a sisterly/motherly way. She seems to have some affection for me too as she becomes very physical touch (hugging, tugging my arm, etc) with me compared to the other girls, though I wonder if that’s because of my height considering I’m the tallest out of all of us

The thing is she seems to not be too interested in spending time with us or the others outside of college/necessary stuff. She’d reject a lot of invites for dinner, drinking, karaoke, or just plain hanging out together. She said she likes being home a lot. She seems to spend most time drawing in her free time

Recently I found out she’s been experiencing depression and going to therapy. This was quite surprising and not at the same time to me as she’s been complaining a lot about college and being quite negative since months ago. This whole time I just shrugged it off as her being that kind of person, especially since I know she has her family as support system, specifically her mom who she contacts to throughout the day so I figured she must be doing ok

I understand that with her going to therapy then she at least should be working on herself slowly. But I’m worried as we’re approaching the later half of our college life, and the fact that we’ll be mostly separated starting next semester, that she’d miss out on her fun college life. We spent most of our first year online due to pandemic, then we only got pretty close this year as we have way more classes and labs together. I know she’s not in any club or have other extracurricular activities outside of college.

She doesn’t seem to have many friends other than us her major batchmates. It’s quite sad for me to think that she’s going to spend most of her college life just focusing on doing assignments, complaining, being sleep-deprived, only getting the degree then go to the work force. I thought going to college with friends you can hangout with is such a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I don’t want her to perhaps regret it in the future for missing out on those experiences. Though the thing is I’m not good with talking and she’s also not someone who talks or tells stories a lot. Most things I heard from her that’s not college-related are just her complaining about life and wanting more free time to just draw and not do anything.

Am I thinking too much and meddling on something that shouldn’t be my issue? I understand she’s already going to therapy and has her own support system. Her mother even went so far to go to her apartment and stay with her lately to take care of her. I just wonder if I can do more as a friend

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