I was asked this the other day. I’m busy between working on the house, the kids, work, and the wife. If I was given 24 hours, I have no idea how I would spend it.

  1. Look at my phone, eat junk, jack off, drink booze.

    Now a couple a days, something organized some kind of trip.

  2. It’s important to know what one really wants. That’s healthy. So maybe your answer should be, “sit and relax and process my feelings and figure out what I want.” Sounds like you don’t know and that’s not good.

    As for me, pretty much what I do every day. Enjoy it with my wife and our dog, do work that I enjoy, spend time thinking and processing with coffee and a nice cigar, and relax with my family. Maybe play some co op video games with her, or take a walk after dinner, or watch a movie. Maybe skip the work.

  3. personally i’d cut the fuck up.

    3 large boxes of pepperoni pizza, 40 piece wings, a few blunts rolled up, and just hop on my ps5 the entire day.

    and of course, a few moments of pornhub, and the occasional nap whenever I want it.

    as a father of 5, and sole financial provider, I’m tired as hell, and can only dream of 24 hours doing whatever I wanted.

  4. I’d probably do what I do every weekend lol

    Don’t have a wife and kids, so my time is basically my time once the work week ends

  5. Install updates on my ps5 and charge the controllers. Definitely not enough time to play it.

  6. I have this freedom a quite a few days of each year. I typically use it to jog, record music, have a long conversation with a friend on the phone, journal, read, and waste time online.

  7. Being retired, every day is open to the possibilities. Bounded by only common sense and personal responsibility.

  8. With repercussions or without? Without repercussions I’m robbing and stealing. Ain’t no way my 401k and investments are lasting through any meaningful retirement.

  9. I’d work on the house, play with my kids, fool around with my wife, cook a meal, probably do some laundry and dishes.

    You know you can *always* do whatever you want, right?

  10. I would..

    – Wake up early and go get a round of golf in
    – Come back home and go to the beach with my wife late AM
    – after the beach have a really nice dinner (surf & turf sounds pretty good right now)
    – cap it off with watching some basketball and maybe reading a little in bed

    Of course, this is weather and location contingent. But my interpretation of the question is “what would your perfect day be” and that’s mine. There would def be some sex in there as well

  11. If you mean a free 24 hours where time stopped the everyone else I would deep clean my apartment.

    If you mean a day off, I’m unemployed. I’d do the same thing I do every day.

  12. Somehow get a full nights sleep in. Drive up to the coast in the morning with some friends , rent a boat for the day and take it out to sea. Take the boat back in at nightfall, get steaks and beers with the boys, drive home.

  13. Go for a walk up the mountain, come home, make food, practice archery, eat food, watch the sunset, and light a fire in the fireplace, inside or outside weather depending, and read until bed. I call it “sumday”

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