Me 21 Fand he 23 M we met online and are talking every day. We went on a few dates by now, we already kissed, had some intimacy (no s**) but I feel like he doesn’t want to date. So me and this guy have a great connection, we seem to enjoy each other company, we talk non stop all day, every day.
When we go out, he hold my hand, kisses my forehead, makes sure I’m comfortable and always gives me coat when it’s cold out even if it means he will freeze. He sometimes pretends to be iealous over different things, not sure if it’s jokingly, or not.
But somehow still haven’t asked to me to be his partner. I hinted several times that if he asked me to be his girlfriend, we would do this and that together, but no reaction from him. I am not the type to overthink stuff, but I also don’t want to waste my time. I am no interested in some short term fun and dip. Not my style, never been. He seems to be caring, eagar to talk to me and the other night was a little bit upset that I went to sleep without waiting for his good night. I don’t know what to think. A lot of time haven’t passed, I understand that (we been going out like this for 3 weeks and see each other every other day), but I still feel as if this is not serious. I obviously don’t want to be the one begging for the relationship as i think it should be the man bringing this question up, but I also don’t want to be pushy and the same time like what’s the wait? Please share your opinions.

  1. 3 weeks is still early days and sounds like you’re already acting a bit “couple-y”.
    So I’d try not to worry too much about titles.
    But totally fine to talk about how you’re feeling about things and where you stand. It doesn’t have to be a pressuring thing, just conversations about where you’re headed and where you want to be headed. And at the same time try to be patient, relax and breathe and enjoy a good thing and let it progress naturally.

  2. If he’s putting his lips on you, doesn’t that mean it’s somewhat a relationship. Guys don’t kiss their female/male friend forehead. If he kissed you again, ask “is this legit?” Or “do you kiss all your female friends?” Use this as an ice breaker to confirm what you guys are

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