I understand the concept of emotions and how they contribute to situations and circumstances. What I don’t understand is why should I care about how a person feels over objective facts?

The reason why I’m asking is because I feel outcasted by everyone around me because I can’t for the life of me care how they feel.

  1. As long as you don’t put others and yourself into any harm, you don’t have to care about their feelings. More power to you.

  2. Totally understand. Everyone is different, so it might confuse you more to understand other ppl feelings. Idk how i can “teach” you to understand emotions. But if you feel outcasted because of this, maybe one thing you can do is just try to be a listener because i totally get that it might be hard to relate to other people’s stories emotionally when you’re not. But most of the time ppl just want a listener. And i think someone like you can give more rational advice because you’re not that emotionally attached to their stories (but only do that if they want a realistic advice/when they allow you to do so)

  3. This is something I imagine a narcissist or serial killer would write.
    Human beings are naturally social creatures… our point of life on this earth is love and connection. We are literally WIRED for social connection. In the past, it was essential for our survival.
    If you are incapable of that, I’m sure most people can sense it and don’t want to be around you.
    It’s not about constantly caring how everyone is feeling – that would be exhausting. But if you show no interest in others and/or treat them like shit because “can’t for the life of you care how they feel” – yeah why would anyone want to be around you??
    People like feeling that others care about them (yes, that includes their emotional state).

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