I’m 23, in community college, and gay. I like writing. I want to try sports and didn’t get a chance when I was younger. I want friends with shared interests and a relationship. I don’t care about gender (for friends). I currently have one friend, maybe another one (not sure yet), but they’re introverts and I’d say that I am an extrovert.

For some context, I became isolated and never learned how to meet people because I grew up with some problems and had bipolar disorder in high school. But now I’m treated.

So far, I’ve tried meetups and online dating. I found people I liked in two meetup groups, but at the time I wasn’t in the right state of mind, and I ended up isolating myself again. I want to try again but last time I tried simply don’t have the social skills to make any friendships last, even though I have no anxiety and I introduce myself to everyone. In other groups people are well over middle age and see me as the odd one out. It’s not anxiety, I literally don’t know what skills I need to spark friendships that last. And I’m not one of those people that can remember/discuss entire books or whatever.

Also, it would be nice to actually meet someone to date. I’ve heard that bars are dangerous alone, and seeing as I have no one to go with, I don’t really know how I’d go anyway. Dating apps don’t work and I very much prefer meeting people face to face.

Do I just keep trying with the meetups? Would it be appropriate to message the people I liked again even though it’s been like a year, or would that freak them out? I can’t figure out how else to meet people. This has been an ongoing problem for a while.

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