I(33M) was lucky enough to have found an amazing gf(30F) and am now having recurring sex. Establishing intimacy has been extremely nice and as a gentleman, I like to make sure I pleasure her before she does so to me.

When I perform oral and she does achieve an orgasm, I’ve just let her lay there and just go through the motion of her climax. She moans and quivers and I’m pretty proud that I was able to do that for her.

What I’m asking is, do I just leave her there to enjoy it herself? Or should I embrace her, go to her or even let her hold onto me as she goes through it? I feel a bit awkward, proud but still awkward, just staring at her, and I know that it’s an intense feeling, I just don’t know if it would be wrong to interrupt her or feel that I would be interrupting her orgasm if I just went in to hold her.

This may seem like it should be obvious but I guess I just want to know how other’s experiences are and what do you do in my situation. Thanks for reading my post.

  1. Keep doin what you did til she either does it again, or asks you to stop. My wife loves to cum from oral 2 or 3 times before we move on to other activities.

  2. There are quite a few different things you can do. If she is clueless herself about what she wants, try a few different things and see if they are received well. (Or, well, talk to her about what she *really* wants. If she doesn’t know, try things so that she gets some things to form experiences about) ;

    – stop what you are doing and let her ride the wave on her own. (And carry on, but gentle, after. So that she can find out if she likes the idea of another, or if she would rather have just one.)

    – put your arms around her and instead use your hand to get her the last bit over the edge. (And either give a friendly breast some gentle attention with your mouth or give her a warm kiss, if she thinks she wants that?)

    – gently offer her a fingertip to hold on to when it’s getting good, her orgasms may become plenty interesting if she has something in her to hold on to and squeeze at. (You didn’t say? Is this something you need to talk about first?)

    Well. It COULD ruin her orgasms if you do something she doesn’t want. But how do you know that without trying it once? Have a talk. If she doesn’t know, suggest that you try a few things and see where it ends up. In my comment alone, you have maybe ten or so different things to try and combined with a few times just deliberately doing it in a way you KNOW works well, you have plenty plans for more licking…

  3. Airhorn, disco ball, drop some beats, ask her what she’d like some other time. Pick any combination.

    One of my favorites was to get her started and jump in. Particularly good when I was already pretty sure I wasn’t going to last long.

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