I feel like im the person that people will vent to, but i feel like i dont have that person that i can confidently talk to about anything.

I feel like i’m always available for everyone, but no one is available for me when i need to talk about something.

  1. I’m with you there. If someone asked me to, I’d take what they say to me to the grave. But no one would do the same for me.

  2. I have a few people like this. I’m really lucky I guess. I’m usually the one absorbing the venting though, I only very rarely need to vent to my friends (mostly just two. One is a close friend at work, the other is a very close long distance friend).

  3. My therapist and friends. It really depends on what I want to vent about. I trust all my close friends however, I wouldn’t vent to certain ones about topics where I know we would have completely opposite opinions. My therapist on the other hand, it’s all fair game.

  4. No one.
    I have a few friends and my brothers and to each I tell a bit.
    I won’t tell anyone everything but I’m also not good at talking about my feelings.

    I will look for a therapist soon though

  5. Wife first and foremost, but I have 3 or 4 close friends I could probably come to with anything and not feel judged for it.

  6. I feel the same OP. Can’t tell you how many tone pepper have come to me to bear their souls, secrets, and to vent. But yeah, I feel like there is no one there for me that I can trust implicitly to not say anything ever.

  7. Either my wife or my best friend. They form a venn diagram of stuff I can talk about that covers everything.

  8. My partner. But that makes it difficult when I have something to vent about him, I have no one to talk to about it

  9. Nobody, not because I don’t know people like that but because I’m not comfortable sharing certain things. I’d honestly rather vent to strangers on reddit…

  10. No one, I’d like to have one though. It’s been a while being with someone who is on the same page effortlessly

  11. Nobody really. I have one friend I see about every six months and my wife never wants to hear about my problems. If I ever share how I feel about something it always comes back to me weaponized in a later argument.

  12. My husband. I know I can tell him anything, and he knows the same. It’s honestly really great. He’s my best friend.

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