My[21m] wife[23f] wants to watch po*n together and is OK with me going to a strip club

Hello reddit

I am a 21m, who is happily married to my 23f wife, my wife is the only woman I’ve been sexaul with and I am her only sexaul partner as well, in recent times she has brought up the idea of watching adult content together, I’m not sure why and the idea doesn’t seem to set right with me, looking at another woman’s naked body…

My friends are going to a strip club and my wife said she would feel bad if I didn’t go to the boys trip just cuz I was married to her, this seem odd to me as again I don’t want to look at another woman sexaully except for my wifes… my wife also said she could come to the strip club with me athough I’m not sure if she was joking… , I am not going even with her sayings its OK as previously said i dont wanna look at any other woman. This behavior is odd to me and I am looking for advice for why this sudden change

So should I feel weird about it? Should I just accept it and go along with it? What does this mean for our relationship and what are the risk?

Thank you for your time

TD;LR! My[21m] wife[23F] is fine with me going to strip club and I find it weird

  1. There’s no risk! Your wife feels secure in her marriage to you, that’s why she feels safe to explore her sexuality through sharing porn with you. As for the strip club stuff, a lot of women don’t view the naked body as inherently sexual, your wife is probably just respectful of the art! These are good and healthy signs, your wife isn’t saying she wants you to feel sexual attraction to other women, she’s saying let’s explore sexuality together, she’s telling you she trusts you. I’d imagine the idea is taking inspiration from the world around you both and applying it to yourselves and what you two have together. Try not to worry about this, your wife just sounds happy and confident.

  2. while the overall ‘world’ will say “go for it”. I applaud your reticence, and desire to keep your sexual appetite just for her.

    I know im in the minority here, and I’m OK with that.

    looking at other naked women, can lead you (even if not now) to compare your wife to them.

    and in terms of porn- your wife will never be able to do EVERYTHING they can do in porn, and at some point you may find yourself thinking “oh, thats normal, and since we cant/dont do that, must be something wrong with that”,

    good luck!!

    And now will come the haters…


    (frame of reference- I am happily married 21 years and was a virgin, and married a virgin)

  3. It sounds like your wife is comfortable with her sexuality,and is so comfortable with yours she doesn’t expect to be surprised/let down any time soon

    There’s nothing wrong with a couple consuming this content, if your intentions are right! You seemingly had no intentions of doing so, which is also fine.

    You’re actually in a good position to communicate and learn about your partner here. So she has made these suggestions right. Now you get to ask “does the thought of me looking at another woman turn you on?” Or “how would that make you feel?” “What type porn excites you most?”

    Even if you have no intentions of doing it, you stand to learn a lot about your partners core desires.. and maybe you’ll learn how to connect with them without violating your own boundaries.

    Tldr: before shutting it down, discuss the ins and outs of the idea. She’ll appreciate you learning about her, and won’t feel shut down. Maybe she’s got further plans in mind and this is just the start? Trust her, be curious, but of course go with your gut.

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