When people say that people don’t talk to certain people, because they look unapproachable. What does unapproachable look like to you?

  1. Never smiles, first and foremost. Some people look neutral when they don’t smile, but some people have “resting bitch face.” These people are almost always introverts, so if you’re an introvert who isn’t smiling the odds are good that you look unapproachable. I think with introverts, there might be some connection to overthinking or being lost in thought and having RBF. So, you could almost switch out “introvert” for just looking like you’re thinking. Looking shy/awkward or anxious also probably work, too.

    The other big one would be looking very physically attractive. And then if you combine that with not smiling and being an introvert, thinking and/or seeming shy or anxious, you’re pretty sure to look unapproachable.

  2. I always think and still do that physically very attractive people are very unapproachable in the sense that I think I have to match their “attractive aura” in order for me to talk to them. But then again I’m just a random introvert person who happens to judge people a lot from their physical presence until I talk to them more lol.

    Also people who look shady and out of place also seem to set off alarms for many people but it could be just my trust issues. And being the term “shady” and “out of place” varies from one person to another.

  3. Pristine people! Perfect clothing, hair, posture. It’s just intimidating and makes me feel very insecure unless I’m very well put together, too.

  4. No one “looks” unapproachable to me unless they are clearly drunk or on drugs. Even then I’d probably still approach them to make sure they are okay or need help getting home. If someone had a gun and was shooting vulgar things or being violent then I wouldn’t approach them at all.

    I don’t care abt rbf, who smiles or who doesn’t naturally. It doesn’t really mean anything and weather they are introverts or extroverts or not, they still deserve a hi or smile of acknowledgment either way.

  5. Extroverts are usually approachable. I agree with the other comments that physical attractiveness does play a role.

    I sometimes can’t approach someone who’s not much attractive nor they’re introvert but still I get the feeling not to approach them maybe due to their body language

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