What moments in your life made you feel you have a guardian angel watching over you?

  1. As a child I fell backwards 2 stories and landed on a sharp metal edge with my neck.

    All I had was a black eye.

  2. When you’ve been away on business for weeks and then your flight is delayed but they put you on another flight as a standby. Then right as they are done boarding the second to last passengers arrive leaving only room for one more.

  3. I hit an oil patch in the rain on the interstate doing above 60mph (I wasn’t looking at my speedometer at the time so that’s as accurate as I can be) in my truck. Back end broke loose and I spun around multiple times (didn’t count because I was too busy trying to regain control while screaming) across 4 lanes of traffic, didn’t hit a damn thing.

    Considering how my life has gone since, I’m pretty sure I used up every bit of luck and good karma I had and ever will have with that one incident.

  4. Was doing a lot of driving one summer all across my state. Was on the way in one of my trips in decent rain but the road was still very much slippery. Hit a turnpike going WAAAAYYYYYY too fast and tried too hard on my brake and lost control of my car and swerved all the way to the right off the turnpike against a heavy brush and muddy tree line.

    Now in my state, most of the turnpikes are surrounded by deep cliffs, water, walls, and just shit that if you managed to crash into any of them, you would either have your car totaled, badly injured, or dead. Luckily, this turnpike had completely flat land and the ground was muddy enough to I guess cushion the accident. Basically, if it was any other turnpike other than the one I crashed off of, I would probably be dead

    The worst that came out of the accident though was just some muddy tires and $100 tow to get back in the road. Other than that, everything worked fine.

  5. When I was hiking the Kalalau Trail in Kauai, there were multiple moments where I felt like this. The trail is absolutely beautiful, but also dangerous. There are so many slippery spots, places where a single wrong step can send you plummeting hundreds of feet into the ocean below, and always a risk of rock slides and landslides. I nearly slipped several times, and had a nerve wracking experience each time. I felt an invisible hand helping me on the trail.

  6. We were hanging out on a boat in the middle of the lake. There might have been a bit of beer involved. Everyone else was floating in tubes off the back end of the boat. I went to the front and jumped in to pee. That’s when I remembered I can’t swim, and sink like a stone.

    I was fighting to get back to the surface, bobbing up and down enough to take in some air, but not doing well. Nobody heard me over the music. Then a hand grabbed me and pulled me onto a jet ski.

    Some guy was on his dock and happened to see me go in and not come up. He jumped on his jet ski and came out to pull me up.

  7. As a loader on an M1 Abrams tank, I snuck a nap inside my tank by laying under the cannon breech inside the turret. My tank commander thought I was in the motorpool.

    Seconds after I awoke and crawled out from under the breech, the tank commander blindly reached into the commanders hatch, depressed the actuator, and max elevated the cannon because he was unaware of anyone inside (dropping the 2 ton cannon breech and leaving about 1″ clearance between it and the fire control systems underneath where I had been sneaking a cat nap on literally moments before.)

  8. Let’s just say i had alot of close calls when it comes to getting SAed , was almost robbed many times , had knives pulled on me in forests, and finally i was unharmed when i fell from a motorcycle going almost 50 kph or 32 mph

  9. Hotel party got held up by a dude with a shotgun who aimed if from point blank range.

    Grateful for the guardian angel and for FindMyIPhone

  10. This is gonna sound horrible… But in retrospect the moment that made me realize I have a guardian angel was when my ex-girlfriend had a miscarriage. Life now would be a living hell if the baby had been born. At the time tho, it was the worst thing I’d ever experienced. Live and learn. It is what it is.

  11. I realized I didn’t when I stopped feeling happy and lost any memory of what happiness feels like.

  12. Fell upside down head first from a bench on a big pointy rock in my backyard as a kid. Didn’t even faint but definitely was crying for awhile.

    I’ve got a bald spot from that incident but no other issues.

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