Extra points, if you can give examples (not in a perverted sense pls)

  1. The look of approval she gives me when we both are on the same page gives me a certain kind of feeling, which I can’t describe. We can come to a conclusion together without saying a single word. Typically happens daily. Non-verbal communication carries over well throughout our relationship.

  2. I guess it depends how you define it. She makes me laugh really hard at least once a day, and every time I think “Oh yeah, that’s why I married her.” and I consider those kind of intimate. If you mean big declarations of love and how much we mean to each other, usually once a month or so we’ll just feel the mood and gush about how happy we are together.

  3. I can’t remember even having one of those. Even our honey moon i can recall disappointment.

  4. I wish I had good examples, but I share everything with my wife. I’m not sure exactly what you mean by “truly intimate” though.

  5. Daily, whether it’s cuddling on the couch and talking about our days, or putting on a song and slow dancing, or having a shower together. I don’t know if that qualifies as TRULY, but I consider it all initmate

  6. When we lived in the same state almost every afternoon at my place after work (we worked together) because she had to go past my place to get to hers. She’d stop by, sometimes spend the night sometimes just a few hours to rest and decompress. Especially if we were both off the next day, or, if she was off and she’d just leave with me in the morning to go home when I went to work.

    Almost everytime I massaged her feet, or shoulders (she had chronic pain there) and we’d just talk about anything. Get some food or I’ll cook and watch a movie or two.

    Idk if that’s what you’d consider “truly intimate “ but it was a nice (and admittedly new) experience for me. Especially those times she’d ask me to just leave her the key and I’d come home to her waiting for me in bed, food cooked and my place clean. I never asked her to do that for me mind you as a certified chef I cooked anyway and my place was usually always clean , but, those extra hard weeks when that slipped my mind and she’d just do that for me felt extra nice won’t lie. We had a great relationship and I honestly miss it.

  7. I spend time with my Hyna at the end of the day. Talking, listening to music, etc.

    We make a point to make the end of the day special.

    Not just sex.

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