My boyfriend moved to his college abroad and we have a time difference of 5 and a half hours. He has failed to make friends in these two months and is not going out anymore. He is in a bad mood every time because of this and I try to console him and tell him he’s going to make some eventually and maybe it’s because they are different races. He keeps saying everyone has a friend at his college by now and he doesn’t want to feel so lonely.
It has come to the point where he eventually cuts the call on this note most of the times we aren’t watching some movie or series. He barely decides to talk to me and if I tell him about my problems in life, he turns the conversation around to him not having friends and ends the call saying he will rather do some work.
He hasn’t always been like this, he’s a sweet guy and is probably more home sick than ever because of a new country.
Please help me with how can I help with this problem and get it back to how it used to be. I really want to emotionally connect to him again like I used to. I feel like I have lost my meaning to him.

I want to help my boyfriend struggling with making friends abroad so that he opens up to me again like he used to.

1 comment
  1. You can’t fix this for him. He needs to be an adult and handle his own life for himself. This is what growing up is like. He can’t just sulk, be mad, and have things magically work out. He has to put in the effort.

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