if we still had to physically assert our dominance over other males to pass our genes on like animals, how would with play out for most men?

  1. There would be plenty of alliances.

    It’s easy for a more powerful man to dominate another. Less so if he’s taking on a group.

  2. I’d poke guys with a stick

    There’s no defense against being poked with a stick. Nobody sees it coming

  3. Clans would form to increase more combatants and they’d probably have to set up fortified settlements to prevent the women from being taken.

    So think early mankind.

  4. What do you mean “still”?

    In the animal kingdom most of the time there is no real fighting but just posturing/ threats, etc.

  5. Our lives, even for those at the top of the pecking order, would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

    We developed civilization for a reason: because living as individuals alone in the wilderness fucking sucks.

  6. It’s kind of what is happening today. Most men get little or no sex and few men fuck 50 different women a year.

    The ones not getting anything will complain and give up while the few will have access to even more sex.

  7. If modern dating repels me as much as it does, I’d definitely bow out of that game – and probably outlive 99+% of the men in and around my year by 2-3 decades

  8. Judging by how intelligent humans eventually became, I’m assuming it wasn’t all about swinging clubs at other people.

  9. Are technoogy and money still factors?

    Do we still have our mostly rational-ish minds in play or do we basically get bloodlusted when women are in heat and men are in rut?

    Is this imagining if human society and history had this going on for forever or is it more that suddenly in 2023, every man who isn’t gay or asexual now has a rutting season or reacts to women going into heat by having an overwhelming compulsion for enacting displays of violence in order to get chosen by women to breed with?

    Because depending upon the answers to those questions, the scenarios can be markedly different.

  10. Mostly just posturing because most people don’t actually want to get into a scrap. Basically high-school all over again.

  11. “If?”

    That remains a very successful strategy. Why do you think so many dudes are always competing for dominance in social settings?

  12. female humans have an existing counter to that and that is favoring traits that indicate the male will help rear his offspring (be it ability to obtain resources or capabilities in child rearing). I have a feeling it would turn into men not capable of physically competing obtaining something to impress on women that they can be a good father or at least provide financially for his offspring. Asserting dominance with brute strength isn’t the only way to score a mate, offering resources even if it is just a helping hand with said offspring. So dudes would fall into two types with some in between… the alpha male fighting with anyone they can for female validation nothing but a sperm donor, and the potential dad who sticks around.

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