For me it’s arrow season 3 could’ve stretched that arc out another season would’ve been amazing

  1. “How I Met Your Mother” could have gone down among some of the best sitcoms of all time if they hadn’t completely face-planted the ending

    Same for “Game of Thrones”

  2. The last 2.5 or so seasons of Game of Thrones.

    Could have made history as the greatest epic fantasy series ever. But they chose stupid. And now nobody even talks about it besides to point out how big of a letdown the ending was.

  3. Supernatural was supposed to end at Season 5 with this super wrapped-up everyone’s accounted for ending, like American Graffiti almost. The network wanted it to keep going, so they had to waste time retconning those endings to squeeze out more seasons. 6 and 7 were okay but declining and then unwatchable for me by 8, god knows how long it even went after that.

  4. House of lies was funny but coulda been way better. Like it was carried of the cast chemistry and Don Cheadle who was amazing

  5. Jon Bernthal’s Punisher. Puzzles me to this day how we had more Punisher in Daredevil season 2 than in two seasons of his own series.

  6. Heroes. This was before the comic movie boom so it was fresh and interesting at the time. But man, it really fell off at the end of the first season, then that horrible second season (writers strike) and never really picked up after that.

  7. Star Trek Voyager had a chance to be a really dark science fiction adventure story, but the decided to use the same plots each season with seemingly zero stakes. It would have been really cool to see a Starfleet captain have to put the ideals Pikard was always droning on about to the test under the worst possible conditions.

    Lovecraft Country had a ton of potential but it seems like the writing team didn’t really understand the source material.

  8. The Witcher.

    •Good fan base on Day 1 that got supplemented by Henry Cavill fans.

    •Cavill, by the way, is a huge nerd and was psyched to be playing Geralt.

    •The format of the books lends itself beautifully to TV. The script was written.

    •Tons of money.

    And they shitcanned it with writing that not only went away from the lore but had show characters doing things that went against the core principles of the book characters. These violations were so egregious that it forced the aforementioned nerd (and fellow nerds) to walk away, taking his fan base with him.

  9. The Killing, the show went sour pretty quickly after showing some interesting potential

  10. The Blacklist.

    S1 was excellent, S2 was good, with an interesting ending, after S3 it became a shitshow.

  11. Marco Polo!

    The 2 seasons were great. Then Netflix stops production coz of the high budget. Nooooo

    Boardwalk Empire’s last season wasn’t as good as the earlier seasons too. Largely because HBO put more budget into GOT which just started season 1.

  12. The Witcher on Netflix.

    It had incredible potential and a massive fan base leading into it with a main character played by a massive fan of the source material.

    All of it, thrown away because the show runner wanted to do her own thing. I would argue that it is by far one of the worst adaptations ever.

  13. They never found a good replacement manager after Steve Carell left The Office. There were some funny scenes in seasons 8-9, and a few new funny characters, but it was never the same.

  14. Last 3 seasons of game of thrones. No second season of Firefly. Season 2 of Heroes and beyond. Coma seasons of Archer. All disney star wars. Iron Fist whole series. Witcher whole series.

  15. Wheel of time. I wanted a political fantasy drama emboldened by Robert Jordan’s incredible worldbuilding about a man who is destined to save the world but potentially destroy it in the process.

    What I got was…not that.

  16. *Carnivale*, I think. There are some pre-Sopranos HBO shows that could’ve gotten some more love *(Dead Like Me* is another one, sort of), but DLM got a finale movie and *Carnivale* had a lot more in the tank.

    *Runaways* was a fantastic Marvel series that just plopped into the ether as a show. Nobody talked about it or even mentions it now. I heard they made a series out of another great (non-Big 2) comic, *Papergirls*, that I never even saw a review of.

  17. Rings of you fuck up Tolkien that badly with a bottomless budget still baffles me

  18. Sense8. It was an intriguing concept with good characters and good – though often pretentious – writing. They could have kept it going for a while, but they ran out of money and so crammed a bunch of stuff into the 2nd season. It wrapped up so quickly that it felt incomplete.

  19. The last 2 seasons of Game of Thrones.

    Basically, everything that was set up, suddenly got discarded and replaced by a lot of very dumb and pointless decisions.

    They managed to ruin the best and biggest TV series ever made.

  20. Westworld!

    Season one of Westworld was a shockingly deep look at artificial intelligence and the emergence of consciousness. They had two characters experiencing a sort of emergence into their own free will in different ways, with one possibly just acting out a larger part in a plot instead of gaining sentience. We saw characters debate about how to treat the AI characters and the future they could represent. Despite being wrapped in that classic HBO sex and violence it was a surprisingly cerebral show.

    Season 2 was an action movie as people escape the park. Season 3 hinted at some interesting things but did nothing with them, and Season 4 was borderline nonsensical. None of the intellect or charm made it through from Season 1 to the following seasons, and many of the interesting plot points were either dismissed entirely or used as deus ex machima instead of exploring the topic.

  21. Misfits was an obscure show in the uk that was stellar before it went to fucking shit on a stick.

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