do you feel safe walking alone in the dark with headphones on? why or why not?

  1. When I lived in America?

    Fuck no

    In my new country?

    Fuck yes, it’s insanely safe here, trained professional police and guards everywhere, little to no crime, everywhere is lit up, I go jogging at 3 AM all the time through the city with headphones on, feel safe as can be.

  2. About as safe as I do during the day. Which is to say, I’m not particularly concerned about something happening but it doesn’t mean that I’m not aware that something *could*. I work closing shift at one of my jobs, opening shift at the other, and sometimes early opening shift at the one I close at. I’m out and about in the dark pretty often, never really felt unsafe.

  3. It totally depends on where I am. I’ve lived in neighborhoods where I could walk home alone at bar time, half-drunk, and be perfectly safe, and I’ve lived in neighborhoods where I try to be in before dark.

  4. Yes.
    I’m in Germany, and I don’t mind walking around the city at night. Even the headphones are okay, but I reduce the volume and watch my surroundings.
    It’s pretty safe over here and I never ran into issues.

    I’m living in a so called Brennpunkt, a city with terrible reputation. And still always been safe.

    I like walking around in the woods at night too.

  5. Yes. I’ve personally never had a problem where I live and I’m not worried that’ll change.

  6. Yes. I’m safer an night stripped naked in a park than I would be at home with a man.

  7. I feel safest with my AirPods in transparent mode and not playing music so I give off a “leave me alone” vibe from my appearance, but also being able to hear and know what’s going on around me.

  8. Yeah, I do. I live in England and can’t think of a time when I didn’t feel safe. I’ve always walked home from a night out at like 3/4am with no problems.

  9. With headphones: no. fwiw I don’t feel particularly safe walking w/ headphones in during daylight as well….not bcuz of bad neighborhood, more cuz of the rabies infested stray dogs all around

    Without headphones: yes

  10. I usually just use one side and I feel fine but it depends where I am. Some places I would want to be alone after dark period

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