like, i think I have almost no personality at all, especially when speaking (never has been). Like you know, for example, let’s say you read a book and there; are some characters that speak like meanies or like narcissists, while some speak kindly and uses very soft words, while others could be very bold and charismatic. Tbh, I don’t know others will perceive my personality, because I feel like my speeches are kind of… numb. Maybe, thats why people find me boring/worthless, because after starting to talk to me for a few days, they just move on (probably because they lost interest).

My mom always said that I was kind in my childhood, but that doesn’t explained it, because I know for sure I don’t TALK like a nice person, I just ACT like one. (well, nowadays, I see no point in being nice, so even my emotions are numb)

I know the question is kind of odd and doesn’t make much sense, but I’d really appreciate any help, because I wasn’t able to get any support from any person for so long.

Maybe you guys can help me discover/build personality or the way I talk and act?

1 comment
  1. It’s probably just the way you talk & act. One thing that really helped me with that was video recording myself (not in front of a mirror) and pretend to be talking to someone. Make your facial expressions and vocal tones MUCH more exaggerated than you normally would. You will likely be very surprised in a good way once you view the video. You can train yourself this way to help you be more ‘yourself’ around yourself and others. Good luck!

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