What makes a male rate someone a 5, 6,7, or 8?

  1. 5 – Average, not ugly not good looking

    6 – slightly above average

    7 – good looking

    8 – very good looking

    9 – almost perfect

    10 – would wife

  2. I dated the most attractive woman in my eyes and one day she asked me what I rated her on a scale of 1 – 10, I said ‘8, sometimes you’re even a 9!’ Her response, ‘okkkk, so you think I’m ugly?’

  3. Genuinely attractive people can get you up to a 7 based purely on looks – the rest is personality to me.

    There’s also people who I’ve hooked up with who aren’t great lookers but I’d give em a 9 based purely on personality and attitude to life and other people.

  4. Generally speaking someone with a power level of around 5 will be an experienced warrior who may be capable of casting spells such as animate objects, arcane hand, or dominate person. When you reach up into power levels like 7 or 8, some true magical bullshit such as dominate monster, demiplane, or maze.

  5. You gotta understand that on a scale from 0 to 10, that 5 is average. Most women are a 4, 5, or 6.

  6. 0 and 10 don’t exist. Majority of people would be 4’s-6’s (approximately 54% of the population). People tend to left skew the and give out higher numbers out of civility. Criteria is more subjective/relative and is probably related to how one view’s oneself than one’s sex. The lower you generally perceive yourself the more likely you are to left skew, vice versa.

  7. 5: average

    6: cute

    7: pretty, occasional head turner.

    8: very pretty. Often approached by men both handsome and average. Could monetize their beauty for a sizable portion of their income.

    9: modelesque. Distinctively beautiful. Same traits as 8 but higher. Could live off of looks.

    10: 9 but perfectly compatible

  8. Made up internal evaluation. Usually based of girls you found attractive through your life.

  9. Objectivity. I paid for the whole scale, I’m gonna use the whole damn scale. What would make me rate someone a 5, 6, 7 or 8? Welp, if they were higher than a 4, but lower than a 9, there’s a good chance I would rate them a 5, 6, 7 or 8.

  10. A better question is what makes you so concerned about how someone would rate you? Don’t seek validation from others and you will have a happier life. Your worth is not based on how attractive someone thinks you are.

  11. 5: perfectly average

    6: average but with a couple good features

    7: above-average enough to stand out in a crowd

    8: getting into the territory where they’re good-looking enough to make money off their looks

  12. Like just a quick assessment of attractiveness based purely on looks? I’ve always thought of it as a 100% scale. Girls that are 5’s are not ugly, but they aren’t pretty either, 50% ugly 50% pretty. A 6 is a pretty girl, 60% pretty, 40% ugly. A 7 is a very attractive (based on looks) girl, 70% pretty, 30% ugly. An 8 would be someone that looks attractive enough to get famous for their looks, 80% pretty, 20% ugly.

    But it’s a flawed scale, because it’s superficial. A woman could be a 5 at first glance, then blow past everyone to a 10 once you get to know her. Like she’s just so cool, that you are blind to any *ugliness* in them. Or a girl could look like an 8, but then you realize they are a complete sociopath, and they drop down to like a 2 because they are just so ugly as a person that you can’t even see their physical beauty anymore. They become that repulsive.

  13. To me, the 1-10 scale only really makes sense if you plot it underneath a bell curve. The effect of this is, the closer you get to a 10, the more of an outlier you become. This also helps keep the rating scale honest, as very few women are a 9 and perhaps even fewer are a 2. In fact if say the median in looks for women in my experience is somewhere around 6.

    10 – like Warp 10, it’s a theoretical limit, never to be achieved unless you want to make a truly terrible Star Trek Voyager episode.

    9.99 – Helen of Troy on her best day. One in a billion.

    9.5 – World-class beauty. A Heidi Klum or Elizabeth Hurley in their prime. One in a million.

    9 – 99% percentile + in physical appearance. They’d be the hottest person in a room of 100-1000 women picked randomly. Think fairly successful model or Instagram influencer. Can and do monetize their looks, and invest significant amounts of effort.

    8.5 – The hottest women you’d meet in everyday life. The smoking hot trainer/yoga instructor/bartender. 95% percentile. These women are usually winners of the genetic lottery and spend serious effort on their appearance.

    8 – 90th percentile. More women than you’d think can get here with effort, but few can without. This is as far as the genetic lottery alone can take you, and even then it won’t last unless you look after it.

    7.5 – this is everyday approachable hot. Decent physique, nice face, looks after herself. The sweet spot for most women. 80th percentile. This is where a lot of girls who were gorgeous in their 20s wind up in their 30s.

    7 – pretty. This is where we move away from the tails of the bell curve and towards the center. Still more attractive than most, but not an outlier.

    6.5 – pretty with flaws. 60% percentile. This is the kind of girl who could easily jump up a point with a makeover and/or some time in the gym.

    6 – perfectly average. Neither pretty nor ugly. 50% percentile.

    5 – plain. What girls do wind up here usually do because they don’t invest much effort into their appearance. 40th percentile. This is where we go from average to mediocre.

    4 – this is where a lot of older women wind up. Harsh but true. It’s extraordinary and unusual when a woman is able to hold on to her looks past 45.

    3 – ugly/fat. Sorry but it’s the truth. Someone has to wind up here. Fortunately not many do. 20th percentile.

    2 – object of pity/70 year old grandmother.

    1 – let’s just not go there.

    This to me is honest. Because it points out the truth that super-attractive women are extremely rare and they spend a huge amount of time and effort maintaining or honing their looks. Usually because it’s their bread and butter. Most women literally ain’t got time fo dat.

    For me personally, I’d be happy with a 7. Looks get a guy’s attention, but personality is what gets them invested. And that’s been the pattern with the women in my life. Being pretty will get you into bed with me, but the women who really got under my skin had something going in the personality department, even if they weren’t a knockout.

    Really if there’s anything I want women to take away from this it’s that the amount of effort you put into your appearance is what makes the difference, because over the long run, the genetic lottery doesn’t matter anywhere near as much as lifestyle. The thots on Instagram look the way they do because they’ve made it their obsession, like male bodybuilders.

    The only woman a woman should be competing against in the looks department is her own reflection six months ago.

  14. Some guys overthink it, and think they have to save 9 or 10 for, basically, goddesses descended to Earth. Like, actually trying to figure out what would constitute an “objective 10” or some nonsense.

    Leave it to some guys to take the fun out of *being around attractive people*, right?

  15. Idk bro you just look at somebody and have their rating. It can take a bit of checking out to really know

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