My ex-boyfriend and I were together for 4 years before we decided to walk away from each other last month. For the past two years, I have been battling depression due to the nature of our relationship and my job. I decided to walk away from my job because it became overwhelming to the point where I was crying every day to my ex. Once I decided to leave my job with no other job lined up, things in our relationship became even worse. He started to pull away more, his communication became worse, we didn’t spend time together and we didn’t have s\*x anymore. I would ask him questions to figure out what was wrong and what I do to make things better but he would always respond with I don’t know. The reason why our relationship ended for good was because I caught him with another woman. The reason why we were having issues for the past 2 years was due to my trust issues with him. He would have strange behavior and this prompted me to search through his phone for answers. When I looked in his phone I saw messages of him dming women his number, making sure that they got home safely from an event they were at, and so on. This made me uncomfortable and instead of trying to stop this behavior, he told me that he was just being friendly and that is just how he is. Fast forward to last month. He accidentally texted me that he was downstairs and I was confused because I didn’t understand why he would be downstairs. So I looked out my window and I didn’t see him. I looked at his location because I was confused. When I looked at his location, I saw that he was at an apartment complex near his job. I texted him back a question mark and he responded to disregard the message and that he was going out with coworkers for drinks and that he was picking up one of them. I responded okay have fun but that didn’t sit right with me. I decided to go see things for myself because my intuition pushed me to do so. When I got to the restaurant, he wasn’t there. He just left as soon as I pulled in. I looked at his location and he was heading back to the apartment complex that he was earlier, so I decided to speed there to try to caught him dropping off whomever. When I finally got to the apartment, we arrived at the same time. It took whoever it was a while to get out of the car and finally when they got out it was a woman. I was hurt but i just sat and waited until he drove off and drove to a nearby parking lot to breathe. I finally texted him asking how was the outing going and he said he went well and that they gotten their food to go. I then asked him, who was all in attendance and he says a girl. I asked him who was this girl because he never mentioned this woman being his coworker ever before. He would always mention the 3 people in his department and she was not one of them. There are only 4 people in his department and one of them is him. I asked him has he hung out with this woman before and he tells me that this was the second time that he has hung out with her. Before I can ask another question, he asks me why did i drive to his location. I didn’t answer because I knew that this conversation was about to take a turn to where he would deflect everything onto me. Because I knew this was about to happen, I decided to answer back the next day, telling him in detail why I decided to see what was going on. I guess he did not like the answer and continued to bagger me with questions asking me why did I come out there and what was your plan and what would you have done when you saw what you saw. This infuriated me because I had already explained to him everything and he wanted to focus on what I did, which was only drive out there to see what was going on and then I went home and went to bed. We argued because I told him he was hiding this girl because he never told me about her before and I told him that he was a horrible person and that until he does right by me, he will not succeed. After that, he stopped responding to my messages. A day later, I sent a message to our counselor with him in the chat stating that I did not want to move forward in our sessions anymore. After I sent that message, he sends me a long paragraph saying that he no longer wants to have a relationship or friendship with me anymore. I said okay and wish him the best. Fast forward, I found out he blocked my number when I wanted to confront him for telling everyone that we broke up because I told him that he will never succeed when I didn’t say that. He completely changed the wording of what I said, which holds a different meaning. I ended up talking to his friend and he told me that I should apologize because I talked to him mean and he even accused me of cheating on his friend when I never did. There was a rumor that his friend told my ex-boyfriend that I was dating another guy when I wasn’t. He heard the rumor from someone else and decided to tell my ex-boyfriend. His friend and I argued back and forth about my innocence and how I never dated this guy while my ex and I were together and that if you would like to ask the guy you are saying that I was dating if that is true we can but he wouldn’t even talk to him. He said no. I ended up seeing my ex later that day and he talked and I ended up apologizing for not being able to make this relationship work and for anything he felt as though was hurtful. I told him that he never apologizes for anything that he does and he ended up doing so. Now a month later, I am still feeling guilty for our relationship ending but I don’t feel as though I did anything wrong. Even through depression, health issues, and so much more, I showed up for him in so many ways, neglecting myself through it all which caused me to be very unhappy. But yet, I feel as though I didn’t do enough and it is my fault why it failed. So, my question is, do you think it is my fault as to why this relationship didn’t work?

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