Your partner or relative or friend or colleague etc. If you go out with them, do you think they are ready to engage in fight, if they find it necessary? Do you think about it at all?

Also, I’m sorry to mention it, how often do you think “he could beat me up” when you are around them?

  1. My own people none, except my partner I would say a good 24/7 because I know there’s a lot of time he just restrain himself because I’m around otherwise he actually go for it.

    But thinking about him beating ME up : never, if I feel that way it would clearly means that it’s my time to leave cause it’s not normal to feel that way around a partner.

  2. i don’t know anyone who’d pick a fight. they’re all super sweet and peace loving. the only scenario i can see happening is them having to defend someone they love.

    however, i’ve got trained military dudes, gym rats and martial arts champions in my circle. pretty damn sure they could absolutely kick my ass if they had to, but they would never.

  3. I know a few guys who are ready for fight when the opportunity presents itself. My boyfriend would also engage in a fight if absolutely *necessary*, though so far he has defused the situation every time, he is really good at that.

    I never think about any of them beating me up though. Like they totally *could* beat me up, I am tiny and even though I know a bit about defending myself they are just too far ahead physically. But none of them ever would do that.

  4. I never think about the prospect of my husband beating me up and it never occurs to me when we are just out and about that he could be violent, however, in more sketchy situations or if we are out walking in the dark I am comforted by the fact that I know he is capable of violence if the situation arose.

  5. I know too many men that are perfectly capable of violence toward women and probably not very capable of violence when it came to defend themselves or other people.

    The exception being my father who is in no way capable of inflicting pain on any living thing but would probably fight to the death to protect me and my family.

  6. Pretty often. This is why women give out fake numbers instead of saying no, reject a guy with a lie ‘It’s not you it’s me,’ keep their sm private, don’t give out personal information, don’t vacation alone, don’t walk alone at night, don’t talk to strange men, don’t go to parties alone, etc…

    Huge numbers of women have been raped, sexually assaulted, or sexually harassed.

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