Psychedelics only made me fall deeper into that chasm, deep down I hate everything but want to change, I’m a terrible person and want to be eternally positive and likeable but I guess I still have to learn to like myself first, idk nihilism has led me down a lonely road

  1. Sounds like a Mormon-Simp hybrid. My expectations for a dude with this character profile:
    – prolonged laughter at dad jokes
    – only fucks missionary
    – won’t understand dark humor and things that are actually funny
    – incapable of banter
    – no makeup sex
    – dumb

    Just find someone who you can be an asshole WITH. There are way too many “positive fun loving” men and that’s why I hate most people. Borrrringgg

  2. >a misanthropic asshole

    Hey, he’s literally me.

    Are you sure you need to change? I tried changing my ways and tried being a kind positive person. I didn’t last so long. After a year I’ve become much more bitter. Seems like most people will like you even less when you’re trying to be kind and positive. Eventually I snapped and told them they’re not really valuable to me, then left them.

    Maybe we should just embrace it. If I completely stop caring about other people, I don’t feel any resentment towards them. It won’t change who you are deep inside, but it feels less stressful that way.

  3. I usually cringe when I see people jump on the “get Therapy” train. Especially in the relationship advice subs…I mean, I am old as shit, but we used to just power through a break up, doesn’t any one just live thru that shit any more? But I digress.

    You actually sound like you could use some counseling. You say things here like you get sick of people and then just tell them basically you do not care about them, and to fuck off. But you are also lonely? If you hate people so much, why are you lonely? So, god how I hate saying this, but you sound like counseling could be very beneficial. Is it that you hate people, or are you full of angst when forced to interact with people and have to take others into consideration?

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