If you were raised in a religious/ traditional household, how have you overcome the shame around your sexuality/ having sex at all in your adult years?

  1. I first had sex when I was 25 with my then bf after a few months with him all my sexyally repressed energy started to come out all at once. It was really confuzing to act on all of my sexual feelings. But eventually i did and met my 2nd boyfriend who introduced a lot of new things. When you actually start enjoying sex you don’t have to feel shame about it.

  2. Still working on it. Thankfully I have an amazing partner and we are learning new things together.

  3. I grew up in a conservative household and still pretty much act that way, I dress modestly and keep myself to myself for the most part.

    Shame in terms of sex…nah. My super power since I was a kid was not giving a flying fuck about other people’s ideas about me. I am am free of mind in terms of sex and even tacked on a 4th X on triple XXX se because it was too tame.

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