My (18f) boyfriend 18m has yet to ever turn down sex outright, hell he usually is the one to initiate and doesn’t tend to turn down a second go at anything shortly after. But after that it becomes a chance.

After he’s came twice in a short time frame or it’s been a really long session he’s done like 50% of the time for a while whether i want to go again or not. Sometimes this extends to just using his dick sometimes it’s any sex altogether.

Now I’m not complaining, the sex we do have is great. I’m actually just more concerned as to why.

He’s a very fit guy, so I’m wondering why he isn’t in the mood as heavily as me? I was going to say as much but frequency isn’t an issue by means it’s just the amount in the moment. It’s a mental thing right?

He has ADHD and anxiety, he never talks about them but I can tell sometimes when he’s a little anxious or has low moods (which I googled to be a very common thing with that). Like we all do to an extent I suppose sometimes.

Could the times he doesn’t want to go as much as others, be a sign he’s having a bit of an off day in his head or something? Again he hates talking about it outside of the basics of i feel shitty sometimes but it’s not a big deal.

  1. Because men aren’t biologically supposed to be able to go for multiple rounds. It’s called a refractory period. And that period differs from person to person as well as throughout a persons life. If 2 rounds isn’t enough for you, good luck when you get older lmao

  2. People here can correct me if I’m wrong but there’s some biological differences and women are often able to have multiple orgasms or several over a short time period, men are much more likely to be one and done for a while.

    Personally my favourite way to combat this is for my husband to get me to orgasm multiple times in other ways prior to intercourse. Sure, I could probably go another session a few hours later and he usually wouldn’t, but I don’t think it’s realistic of me to expect that from him. I mean maybe in movies, porn and erotic novels but in real life, with a decent bloke whose not sex crazed, I think that’s probably rare.

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