My boyfriend and I have been dating for less than a year and we have been having arguments almost every month. Arguments are mostly around my job and he feels that I prioritize my job over him which is not true. All I did was to respond to emails during work hours and he said I should focus on our issues and relationship first. He doesn’t want to resolve arguments properly with me and instead, requested me to send emails to my boss to resign or to propose me to send emails that will jeopardize my job (telling bosses it’s none of my business and pls exclude me on emails, reject all work meetings) etc. He always put me down about my job and speaks harshly to me. I told him relationship is about working things out and come to a compromise but he said it’s his way or nothing else meaning I cannot do my work until I focus on our issues and come up with solutions to better our future.
I’m not perfect in the relationship either but I have never acted out this way to him. He believes that relationship should always come first which I agree but I don’t uds why I can’t work during work hours. His love language is acts of service and I am not fulfilling this need of his. I have tried my best to help him in what he requested for of me, went extra mile to collect the data he wanted but it was not appreciated (because what he wanted is not in my industry and I don’t have data other than to reach out to diff ppl to ask for it) and he compared the efforts I put at work versus him and he got real upset. I’m in people industry so my job largely deals with assisting employees and he always compare the efforts and doesn’t take no for an answer. I have always assure him that he’s my first priority but he doesn’t believe because he wants to see actions which is of me more doing things for us like researching on what he needs, advising him like how I do for colleagues, planning on our future etc. He will always ask what I’m doing at work and I brushed it off by saying nth much. recently I found myself having to lie about my work because I don’t feel safe saying it to him and I’m afraid of the triggering of arguments due to past big fights and he found out and it led to a huge argument.

Should I stay in this relationship? Will this improve in the long run?

TL;DR boyfriend will not compromise and puts me down constantly. He is requesting me to prove that I prioritize us over work by asking me to send email to my bosses that will jeopardizes my job. He thinks he’s not doing anything wrong and I’m at fault for everything. Do I deserve better?

  1. It’s astonishing that you would write all that and still be wondering whether you should stay in this relationship.

  2. I stopped reading at you prioritize your job over me… damn straight dude.. you aren’t more important that my job.. I need to eat and keep a roof over my head so grow up AH. Danger danger danger. This is the type of behavior abusers and sociopaths display. Before you know it you won’t have that job and he will strip you of everything just to feel he has the upper hand. Girl get out

  3. It’s only going to get worse, and your alrdy at your breaking point. You know even if you tried working it out, you’ll get the same outcome. Aren’t you exhausted?

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