Mine was an sms asking about directions to some place I have never even heard about. Thought it was a wrong number, but turned out someone I know gave out my number because “I know a lot of things”.

  1. I posted on a mental health/panic attack kinda sub and a few minutes later, I get a DM from someone like “I know this is fucked up, man but” – then asking me to send them all my ££ before I die 😅

    you know what though that message actually low-key cheered me up because it was so surprisingly messed-up.

  2. I get this one a couple of times a year and never around a holiday associated with fireworks. “Are those fireworks popping outside?” This is not one of my neighbors.

  3. I have a lot of friends who are transgender, so even though I’m not, I’ll say stuff in their defense when people are going off sometimes. A while ago I got a DM that said ‘You’re not a woman’ and I responded ‘Well I certainly hope not’ and was really confused, I didn’t realize the confusion until a couple days later.

  4. A few Reddit dms from folks wanting to chat about some of the most nsfw comments I’d made in open forums.
    Lordy there’s some very strange people out there.

  5. I got a call from Shanghai China a couple of months ago. The even left a voice message in Chinese that I saved because it was just so off the wall lol.

  6. Friends of the guy who used to have my number messaged me. Showed me some random metal bits which was supposedly a puzzle they were working on. Guy was amicable enough and hasn’t bothered me since

  7. Had a random phone number text me asking:
    Are you hungry?

    I let them know they probably had the wrong number and I didn’t know who they were.

    They replied:
    But are you hungry kiddo?

    I just said: nope

    And that was the end of it.

    It was bizarre. I’m 48, no one calls me kiddo, but it was fun all the same.

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