I’m a Zoomer that just found some old Daily Show clips on Youtube. I thought he was pretty good. But, since most of those clips are like seven years old, I’ve been far enough removed from the issues that he talks about that I feel I can’t make an accurate assessment of his quality. So, those of you that watched him in his heyday: What do you think of Jon Stewart?

  1. I liked him a lot back in the day and even have some of his books. I felt he was less biased than the actual real news networks were. Plus he spoke out frequently against the personal attacks and shouting matches that have come to dominate political discourse

  2. He was held in extremely high regard by liberals during the G.W. Bush years. Myself included.

    He was also particularly known for having good interviews with people of many different beliefs.

  3. I think The Daily Show went downhill after he left. I will say this, my conservative boomer parents loved The Daily Show when he was hosting.

  4. I watched The Daily Show religiously when he was hosting. I thought Jon was always hilarious, insightful, and a really good interviewer.

    I stopped watching after Trevor Noah took over.

    I have also tried watching clips of his new show, and I just can’t get into it.

  5. I liked him a lot back in the day. Definitely a lot more than Trevor Noah, he just comes off as smug. Jon Stewart was always pretty self deprecating and self aware.

    I went to a taping of the show once. They do a Q&A before the taping, and someone asked him why he wasn’t doing more to help democrats running in red states. He replied with “What am I supposed to do? Knock on doors and tell people ‘hi there! I’m a New York Jew here to tell you how to vote!’?

  6. He’ll always have my respect for trying to get congress to help 9/11 first responders get some kind of compensation or assistance for the sacrifices they have and are still making

  7. He made the Daily Show. He was great, way better than Trevor Noah.

    I have his book “Earth” and its awesome.

  8. I feel like even if you didn’t agree with his political lean he was objectively hilarious and the Daily Show was easily the most consistently funny show on television that ran multiple times a week.

    He’s an iconic piece of American culture

  9. Putting side any thoughts I may have on his specific opinion, I respect the hell out of his personal activism. He had opportunities many wouldn’t and used them to put in work for the things he cared about instead of just mouthing about them on camera and heading home. That’s more than many can do.

  10. Eh. I’ve never really enjoyed things like the daily show or the Colbert report. Just not for me.

  11. jon’s my guy. good dude.

    beats the brakes off has beens like bill maher. jon’s still out there *still* fighting while bill maher’s licking boots.

  12. Jon’s early Daily Show was pretty bad as he was trying to be too much like a continuation of Kilborn. But when he hit his stride and made it his own show, it was pretty good.

    I don’t think he’s done anything as funny since, and the competition for funny newsperson is much more fierce than it was when he was in the chair.

  13. He was pretty good on The Daily Show and had a lot of funny bits, but I think sometimes also didn’t know when to stop and ran a joke into the ground. Also seemed kind of full of himself and over it by the end. I haven’t seen any of his newer stuff. But he had a lot of great moments on TDS.

    I liked some of the correspondents better. Especially loved Hasan Minhaj and his show after he left TDS, Patriot Act. You should watch that. Netflix really rudely cancelled it, unfortunately, so there are no new episodes.

  14. The Daily Show had a big impact on me from like 2000-2010. I hold Jon Steward in high regard.

  15. I like him well enough. If more liberal were like him I’d agree with them more

  16. Stewart was/is incredible. I wish he would run for office so I could vote for him.

  17. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was peak late night television. I actually teared up a little on the last episode, seeing all the correspondents come back(even Craig Killborn! the original host). Also if you’ve never seen it, his monologue on his first show back after 9/11 was probably the best one done by a television host

    e: saying this as a millennial who started watching TDS probably around 2000/2001 and kept at it for years and years. The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear was also pretty fun.

  18. Genuinely funny and caring man who would probably make a great president who has no chance what so ever of ever being president.

  19. His angle worked because he was legitimately upset with the direction things were going, increasing radical partisanship among politicians, the 24 hour news cycle, and the loss of neutrality on the big networks were major issues for him. As a result, there was a lot of sting behind his particular brand of comedy. I miss it.

  20. My parents raised me as a “gun toting freedom loving conservative.” When I starting watching the show in 2002/2003ish I was sucked in by the humor. The man is truly hilarious. Within a few weeks my political opinions changed. I don’t necessarily agree with all of Stewart’s views, but he definitely helped me see things in a different light. Nowadays my family writes me off as the “city boy” but I prefer words like “humane” or “tolerance” and “not racist”

  21. I wish he was still the host of the Daily Show, nothing against Trevor Noah, but John Stewart era Daily Show was above and beyond what you’d expect from a comedy news show, it was hilarious in its satire of current events but insightful on them as well. Both him and Steven Colbert with the Colbert Report were the pinnacle of Comedy News Shows, John Oliver wishes he could be that good.

    [However, he is 100% wrong about Chicago Deep Dish Pizza](https://youtu.be/AEkH1dtzItc?t=205)

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