I’ve been talking to a guy I met online EVERY DAY since January 12th. He always initiated and kept the conversation going. When I asked him to meet he was very open and honest and said he was struggling with a lot of mental health issues (psychotherapy twice a week and recently upped SSRIs) He also didn’t want to start anything because he’s pretty sure he’s moving out of state.

When I talked to him Friday he said he was seeing someone. I have no right to be upset because we aren’t exclusive, heck we never even met! I’m hurt because he said he didn’t want to start anything with anyone. We talk every day and even sexted for awhile.

We argued for three hours via text. He begged me not to hate him and had no idea I was taking this so seriously, even though we talked everyday. He said his life is chaos and told me that I’m important to him. He said he did want to meet but now I don’t know what to do. I’m sure the girl he’s seeing wouldn’t be happy about it.

I was being nice and didn’t want to pressure him to meet and wanted to respect his boundaries. Now I feel like an asshole because I didn’t vocalize my feelings. He said he really likes me and that I’m important to him. After our argument he deleted his ig (I checked from a friends phone and it was gone he didn’t block.)

He left the conversation saying he didn’t know what to say and was sad he hurt my feelings and that he was starting to feel uncomfortable. He hasn’t been on Twitter at all and hasn’t read my last apology.

Mostly wanted to vent. What can be going through his head? I hope he feels guilty. I’m a mess. What do you guys think happened?

  1. He’s clearly unstable, but possibly also satisfied with the person he met and didn’t know how to end things in a mature way. You dodged a bullet.

  2. He was never going to meet you.

    He’s probably some awkward shut-in who initiates these “online romances” to get his rocks off. Probably hasn’t left his room in weeks.

  3. It doesn’t really matter what happened. There’s plenty of guys out there who aren’t screw ups that would give you the time of day.

    Just move on, dude sounds extremely unstable.

  4. I doubt he feels guilty. You wasn’t important enough to even meet in person!
    Delete the number, forget him and move on.
    Whatever it was.. it meant different things to both of you.

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