Hey there, here in Germany many people for some reason eat this dry German bread slices with just a slice of meat/cheese or something else on top for breakfast and dinner. We call it “Brotscheiben”=”Breadslices” and “Abendbrot”=”Eveningbread”. I don’t know why they eat this here all the time because it doesn’t taste good at all.
Do you also have something like this to quickly eat when you don’t want to prepare a meal?

  1. A sandwich, a bowl of cereal, reheat leftovers from a previous meal, open a can and heat the contents, fruit, yogurt, plate of crackers and cheeses, cottage cheese, meal/protein bars…there’s a massive variety of things to eat that don’t need to be a prepared dish.

  2. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are my go to for a quick meal. Though, I do sometimes do like a snack platter with cheese, grapes and either crackers or pretzels.

  3. This is “Abendbrot” btw, it’s weird, disgusting and gives you stomach pain, really just a slice of dry German bread with butter and sausage slice on top: https://imgur.com/a/UOWE0H2

    Update: Oh just came to my mind we also have these “Brötchen” which is even harder to describe but we also put butter and meat slices etc. on it: https://imgur.com/a/dNWhgbd

    Update 2: And please don’t look up “Hackepeter” (one of the most popular raw meat here), just don’t do it! – But if you want on your own risk, here you go: https://imgur.com/a/RUQi3R3

    Update 3: And please, PLEASE don’t look up German woman JUST DON’T! But if you want on your own risk, here you go: https://imgur.com/a/U8MYd2a

  4. I usually eat sunflower seeds, berries, nuts, or chips (lime and hot pepper chips are my favorite flavor).

    When I want something more substantial I usually do meat, fish, or cheese on rye bread, sourdough bread, wrapped in lettuce, or on crackers.

    A surprisingly good one is sourdough bread with just olive oil, salt, and pepper.

  5. I actually eat THAT lol. A piece of of meat and/or cheese on a piece of bread. I just call it a lazy sandwich.

  6. I don’t think there is a standard like that in the US. People will often make a sandwich but even that is not standard practice across all cities/states of the US.

    One thing to remember when asking questions about standard things Americans do is that it is a large country and people are individualistic. There are also a lot of people living in the US who immigrated from elsewhere and brought their unique cultures and customs.

  7. It only takes a couple minutes to slap together a sandwich or a wrap, that’s usually my go to if there’s no leftovers I can just toss in the microwave. It’s going to be a proper ham and cheese with condiment and veg or a PB&J or something, though. Not just a slice with some cheese slapped on.

    For (near) instant breakfast cereal, microwave oatmeal and granola bars come up a lot. Mostly I just do coffee in the morning, though.

  8. I try to make sure I have some frozen things handy for when I’m too tired/pressed for time to make a proper meal. My faves are frozen pizza and gyoza from Trader Joe’s, cheese tortelloni from Costco, or veggie burgers.

    Edit: this usually happens once a week, by the way. I am almost always busy until late on Tuesdays and no one else I live with can be depended on to actually cook real food so Tuesdays generally end up being frozen food night.

  9. I make a plate of salad greens, cherry tomatoes, and cheese or hard boiled eggs. I’d probably prefer a sandwich, but I’m a small woman and can’t afford to eat a lot of bread for lunch.

  10. I eat just straight up cheese a lot. Like i get a block of cheese and start taking bites

  11. Maybe all my cooking is not “prepared meals.” 30 minutes before it’s time to eat, I stand in the kitchen and assess what fresh, canned, or frozen vegetables we have, what protein we have (meat in the fridge, canned tuna, beans or lentils), and should I use rice, pasta or potatoes for starch. I saute the protein and veggies in a pan, spice and sauce it, then dump it in a bowl on top of the rice or whatever. I make enough for two days so I don’t have to do this again tomorrow.

  12. Bread with à piece of cheese and I pop it the microwave for like 18-22 seconds. That’s my jam. Especially with pepper jack.

    Also I really like easy Mac. And those frozen white castle cheeseburgers.

    Borderline too much I like those veggie chicken patties. Put one of those in some bread with a bunch of mayo and shredded lettuce or arugula or whatever. Chicken sammy.

  13. Ugh. I had a baby while living in Germany and they tried to feed me this for dinner. Got my husband to get me takeout instead and noped outta there asap

  14. Cherry tomatoes and cheddar cheese.

    Sometimes with dill pickles.

    Protein bar or drink.

    I do a lot of meal prep so that I don’t have to cook every night. I would much rather spend six hours on Saturday prepping food for the week than spend an hour every day doing it.

    Right now I have a ginger sesame cabbage and broccoli slaw, the same only with a peanut sauce, and something I called “dirty tomato soup,” which is tomato soup with a ton of vegetables and beans. I also have hard boiled eggs and vegetable sticks with onion dip.


  15. I’ll often make a quick, extremely basic sandwich, usually turkey and cheese. if I’m really struggling that day I might do peanut butter toast instead

  16. I often do a fried or scrambled egg on buttered toast. Other options are cereal, a basic sandwich, instant noodles, or frozen things like burritos, pizza, or nuggets.

  17. I like to keep some frozen bean and cheese burritos on hand for lazy moments. I’ll usually douse them in sour cream or Greek yogurt, plus more cheese and hot sauce.

    Speaking of yogurt, that’s also a go-to. Or buttered toast.

  18. Throw some chicken nuggies in the oven with fries, or an air fryer if you really wanna go crazy

  19. Sure, people often have bread and cold cuts for that reason. Cold cuts could be Turkey, ham, roast beef, baloney, etc.

    At our house, we keep stuff Like frozen Korean dumplings that cook quick. Like to heat up Asian noodles and cook a quick over easy egg and throw it on.

    At my house, we eat a lot of take out.

  20. I ate a banana for breakfast. For lunch I had leftover pasta.

    I don’t think Americans have a go-to food that everybody is known to eat. Maybe there is something like that more locally.

  21. warm tortillas and warm quality queso will have you in a sensual trance.

    i also like pb&j thats easy. cant go wrong with ramen noodles also.

    literally anything i can find. if i was to have some “Abendbrot” then i would put butter and plum or grape jelly on toasted bread.

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