I’m in my 30’s. Back in school for engineering. Likely have a retake in my future because thermodynamics is hard.

Ive pinpointed this need for a potential retake on consistency issues. Mostly they come from life happening. I can be super consistent when I have a routine that isn’t constantly moved around but once that starts happening (as life happens) then consistency goes out the window. Study habits fall apart. Sleep habits fall apart. Stress skyrockets and then overall I fall apart. I don’t notice it while it’s happening but that’s what a journal is for.

How do I make a more resilient routine when my life is kind of fluid in terms of time I have available in a day?

  1. When I was like 16, I got one of my first office jobs (high school dropout).

    My boss was a very kind older guy who was about to retire, he gave me a lot of great advice, one of the best things he told me was “every morning, take some time for you, get up earlier then you need to, go for a walk, lift some weights and stretch, it will help your body and your mind.”

    Of course being 16, I completely ignored his advice, however, I’m now 40 and I’ve started getting up much earlier than I need too, to make sure I have time for myself. Every morning I go for a walk, lift some weights and stretch. I initially started doing this to improve my body composition, but after about 4 weeks I realised it was providing me with massive mental health benefits and improved focus and productivity throughout the day.

    To stay consistent it’s important to set boundaries with my time so I can create time for myself and look after myself and I find that flows on into the rest of my life.

    I really wish I had listened to that old man’s advice when I was 16, took me almost 20 years to understand the wisdom in what he was saying.

  2. I handle everything I need to handle as thoroughly as possible and then relax for the last 2 hours of the day. Its enough.

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