So, recently I 24M graduated from uni and moved a little over a month ago to a new city for work. I was a classic loner dude in uni with no friends, who never went anywhere other than groceries shopping. I spent majority of my time on my computer in my flat so I had no friends or anyone to hang out with. I did have couple of classmates and one of them is my roommate in the new city.

I was hopping this move would also improve my social life but I was mistaken as a month has passed by and when I’m not working or in the gym I’m alone in my flat in front of computer yet again. I go for walks just so I can say to my self that I’m not wasting all my time on a PC again but now I’m just wasting time mindlessly walking around the city.

My weekly life is work->home->gym and repeat. I have 0 social interactions outside of my job and there are no social prospects there either. My roommate has a similar weekly routine but he has a girlfriend who he hangs out with most of the time so I can’t really hang out with him either.

Worst of all this is that my attempt to have a more exciting social life and have more fun in life in general is thwarted by the fact that I have 0 interests in anything. Everyone is saying join a club or some social activity that interests you but I have no hobbies and interests except for gaming and gym which are solo activities for me. So I dont even know where to even begin.

I dont have problem communicating with people and things like that, It’s just that I dont know a way to begin a change.

  1. I guess the real question is are you actually looking for friends to be social with? If you are, then the key is to force yourself to engage on these walks around the city. Say hi to people, make small talk, even if you have to force yourself too.

    If you’re okay being alone, then be alone. You live with someone which in many ways fulfills human contact, even just knowing they are there is sometimes enough.

    Also keep in mind that we are coming off a 2 year fked up period of social distancing for fear of killing one another.

    There has to at least be gaming groups in your city where you can still be in front of your com but still get social interaction and if you find a person you can meet them up.

    A lot of people really do like to be “alone together”. Where you hang with someone but you’re doing your own thing.

    What are you actually seeking?

    Edit: typos

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