What’s a little thing you do during your workday to not sit on your ass for 8 hours?

  1. My Apple watch reminds me when I’ve been sitting for too long and I take a couple laps around the cubicles when it buzzes.

  2. Go for a walk, exercise bike if I can fit it in. Yoga and stretching. If I know my meetings are going to me mostly listening. I put it in my phone and bring it with me. Anything to avoid caffeine and/or getting sleepy

  3. I like to walk to other people’s desks/offices instead of an email or phone call. Not only is it exercise (in a sense), but it helps the social situation, eases any tension, and generally makes you seem more approachable.

    When I started my new job and did it, at first some people were a little put off by it but they came around and now they physically come to me for similar questions/requests.

    It also helps that there’s a candy dish on my desk that I replenish!

  4. A bunch of the people in my department walk the loop on our campus twice a day, it’s about a mile so two miles of walking everyday

  5. Standing desk, walk around the neighborhood. We got a kitten and he likes being chased around the house so that gets me some exercise.

  6. Have the world’s smallest bladder and the need to “fidget” where I’ve trained myself to unscrew the cap, take a sip of water, then screw it back on.

    So I have to take a piss break probably every 20-30mins

  7. While I have to stand for work but my mother who has an office job has a standing desk. She also does yoga at her work gym.

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