How do parents of young children and babies feel about their futures?

  1. Pretty positive. There’s a lot wrong with the world, but when isn’t that true?

    My kid is healthy, we are able to provide a loving home, and he’ll get a great education.

  2. I have two, 3f, and 1f, and I have hope for their future. There are plenty of challenges and threats out there, but that is true of all of human history. Humans are incredibly adaptive and I believe we’ll make our way through the current crisis’s. Our girls have a loving home with a mother and father that loves them and work hard to give them the opportunities that we didn’t have.

  3. My main concern is social media completely damaging young kids’ self-esteem. But overall pretty positive

  4. Optimistic, on the whole. Now is the best time in recent history to be alive. I mean, fuck knows what they’re going to do for housing, but we’ve no problems with letting them live here for free to help them save. I’m hopeful that in 20 years we don’t just see the same situation that we have now with housing.

  5. Very concerned, but optimistic enough to have had them (I have two that are currently under two).

    The existential concern for me about their future is climate change. But there are amazing breakthroughs in cold fusion, new nuclear and geothermal tech, in addition to readily-available solar and wind continuing to come down in price and proliferate. I can see a future where carbon capture is combined with those to reverse course.

    Then I have general concerns about them falling into a problematic peer group, making poor choices–especially when the Internet will remember forever, screen time / Internet addiction, and the high cost of everything. To those, I do the best I can to control their environment, and parent well. I’m busting my butt to live in a VHCOL area with excellent public schools, I avoid screen time as much as possible, and I will always have a place for them at home, should they need it.

  6. Optimistic.

    We’re not doomscrollers convinced this is the worst time to be alive ever or that the world is going to self-destruct tomorrow.

  7. I’m concerned for my two and three year old. Seems like a school shooting , bowling alley shooting , mall shooting , concert shooting every other week. School seems to be a political agenda , fights over Pronouns, banning of books, men is women’s sports/in women’s lockers …. I think we are not heading in a good direction. Heavily considering leaving the US after reiterment (in 5 years ) to move to Ottawa Canada.

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