Have you ever distanced yourself from a female friend after you introduced your S/O to them? What happened?

  1. This girl I hung out with in High School had a lot of orbiter guys, and even though we never had a thing got super jealous of my girlfriend when I introduced them, so I just stopped hanging around her. We weren’t close to begin with so nothing lost.

  2. If the SO doesn’t like them, I have to consider who is sucking my dick and that persons wants get priority.

  3. My gf and I broke up, I started hanging out with that friend much more, we ended being in an FWB for a few years and at some point I realized that FWB was the single healthiest relationship I’ve ever had.

    Then she moved across the country for her dream job (I encouraged her to) while I unfortunately stayed stuck where I was. She’s doing great, I’m really happy for her.

  4. *”Have you ever distanced yourself from a female friend after you introduced your S/O to them? “*


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