Went on 3 dates with a girl 6 months ago. After the 3rd date we kissed and then she told me she doesn’t know what she wants and didn’t want to lead me on, so we stopped talking.

Fast forward 6 months, she reached out to me to go on a date. We went out to dinner last week, where she told me she wants the same as what I want. We went on another date a few days ago and kissed again. She works in the hospital with my sister and told her she’s into me and loves being with me.

I told her I wanted to see her before I left on a trip this weekend. She told me she would let me know when she’s free. She hasn’t texted me since. Do I reach out to her or does this mean she’s no longer interested in me since she never let me know about seeing each other?

Also: she’s a pretty bad texter. She rarely (if ever) flirts with me through text which is weird to me. She’s good in person. I’m not sure if this means she’s not interested or wanting me to chase, etc. Very confusing.

  1. Sounds like you have a green light. Calling is faster than text for these sorts of things … ESPECiALLYnif you don’t really know where things stand and you want to avoid the dreaded wait for a text to be returned.

  2. If she works in a hospital she gets sick often. Just be patient. She might be sick with the latest illness and not telling you.

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