Personally myself, i have some general boundaries but i wouldnt consider them “Deal Breakers”

I’m generally curious what are some boundaries Men have that women may turn a blind eye to or even ignore.


  1. Might be kinda obvious, but the one i always run into is single moms. They all seem to go after me because I’ve got a good job and am stable, but I would never even consider dating a single mom because I know they don’t want ME, they want my time and money.

  2. Conservative political values are a hard no.

    And so is what I call “Fairweather feminism.” Where they want to be progressive when it’s convenient and traditional when it’s convenient.

  3. For me personally, a boundary for me is her having male friends, especially ones I don’t know. It’s not because I don’t trust her, it’s because I don’t trust them

  4. One that pops in my head instantly is if she won’t let me have “me time”. My ex would get mad if once in a blue moon I wanted to hang with my friends or if I wanted to watch TV or play videogames after work. We didn’t live together but if she knew I was out of work she’d blow up my phone. According to her” it takes only a few seconds to reply” but she’d want to have full conversations while I’m trying to watch a movie or was having a conversation with someone. Then the whole “I guess you have more important things to do, I’m only 2nd best” kind of shit or shed accuse me of cheating. This is the main reason we broke up. From now on I don’t tolerate that.

  5. Reciprocity. I’m tired of one sided relationships. I’m tired of the relationship happening to her and I’m the one making it happen. I want more “we” and not “me”mentality.

  6. Things I consider important

    – exclusiveness (unless it is very early)
    – reasonable texting/calling frequencies (I have experienced both needy and extremely distant texters
    – not judgemental of my hobbies
    – not a hardcore feminist

  7. For me, it’s going on other dates, even if we aren’t official/had the exclusivity talk yet. Not the first date or canceling anything already scheduled, but if we’ve gone on two I expect we aren’t planning any more.

    This isn’t cheating, I won’t get angry, i understand its against the norm, it’s just a personal boundary. I’m a pretty passionate person who really values a relationship where we fall head over heels for eachother. To me, dipping your toes in the water elsewhere kills that momentum.

  8. This may sound silly but I’m an aggressive driver. I have muscle cars and I like to speed. If she can’t handle the way I drive it just won’t work. The same goes with riding my bike. Also I can’t be with a woman that’s late most of the time. Making me wait is torture 😂. Major pet peeve. Other than that much doesn’t bother me

  9. When she’s still friends with the ex-boyfriend, and he clearly hasn’t been able to let go of their relationship yet…

  10. If she’s moody, previously had sugar daddies, likes to play games, overly materialistic, just plain mean to people, talks badly about “friends,” is hot or cold for seemingly no reason, blows up over inconsequential things, hyper critical, is lazy, etc. There are a lot of dealbreakers out there. Basically, just be a decent, well-adjusted person.

  11. Don’t plan the second date if I planned the first. Don’t pay for dates. Don’t chase, match energy.

  12. It’s certainly not all women, but has happened a few times.

    Don’t equate me to your partner. He might have mistreated you in whatever way, but I’m a different person, and it’s certainly not “inevitable” I’m going to turn out like him.

  13. if shes seeing you as a guy courting her and not her courting you also, its dead for me.

    if u dont make the same level of effort as I do, I will level with you and just not be interested in you.

  14. I feel like I can tell when a women is lying. If she lies about something stupid or irrelevant. What else would she lie about.

  15. I didn’t really understand boundaries so I never had any until this year, but I’d have to say, my biggest one now is I don’t need anyone, I want a relationship, but I don’t need a relationship. So if I begin to feel like they “need” me then I’m out because I want someone who can emotionally support themselves when I can’t be what they need at any given time.

  16. I want to know if she’s involved with anyone else. I’m not demanding exclusivity off the bat, that’d be silly but if I ask if I’m the only one and she says yes I’m going to assume that we’re more serious than we are and feel betrayed when I find out that that person she swore up and down was *just a friend* wasn’t *just a friend*.

  17. My boundary is respect. Respect my time, my feelings, and my lifestyle. If a woman doesn’t, I move on.

  18. I cannot stand silly games, “tests of loyalty/devotion”, intentional temporary ghosting… I am a straightforward guy: I say what I think and feel, and I expect my date to do the same. You pretend that you are not really into me, but act seductively to see if I keep “chasing” you? I am out.

  19. Can’t be dealing with the entitlement to sex. The entitlement a lot of women have and the silly little hissy fit they have when you don’t want to have sex just makes me view them as pathetic if they behave that way.

  20. I personally like to wait a little while before having sex. If she’s not willing to do that then it’s pretty much a deal breaker for me.

    I enjoy sex much more when there are emotions involved and waiting allows us to get to know each other a little better before putting the “rose-colored glasses” on too early.

  21. If we are dating with genuine intentions and growing towards a relationship, but she’s sleeping with other guys while doing so, even if we’re not official yet.

  22. children, Drug use, smoking addiction, certain diseases, too religious and alcoholism. Not going to delve too far into the children part because it will make the weaker minded people on here cry.

  23. To me relationships are something you have to build. Jumping into anything is just a no from me. One girl, who I only was seeing for a month wanted me to share my location with her and let her know where I was at all times. Not only is that manipulative, but that’s something you do out of safety concerns after trust has already been established.

  24. No. Be respectful. Be considerate. Be nice. Basic shit you really shouldn’t have to tell people.

  25. I generally ask them what are their plans. Career and personal plans. The answer tells me they are intelligent and have a path they are aiming for.
    Or they are just blindly going through life. With no plan, and in all likelihood looking for someone to rescue them.
    I am looking for a partnership not just another anchor around my neck.

  26. My only boundary per se is don’t cheat on me. (And ironically the last one did exactly that.) That doesn’t mean that on anything else she’s going to get her way in a sense. It means that anything other than that we can work through like rational adults. Now granted I usually cave because I value peace in my world. But we can work through anything else.

    Now if things get more serious and we get married and have kids, I have a couple of things on which I’m not negotiable. I’m an Italian-American; so I want any first born son to be named for my father. I want my children raised in the Roman Catholic Church, and I want them to take my last name. Other than that, we can work through anything else like rational adults.

  27. not taking responsibility for their part in conflicts or issues.

    someone who is judgmental of others, e.g. always putting others down or thinking the worst of them. (they will do the same to you)


    looks down on using a coupon

    is frightened over everything and anything.

  28. I don’t want to date a needy princess who wants me to be his provider, I’m okay with paying stuff and even paying for the dates more often but I don’t want to be an option only because I’m her “provider” fuck that, I want gernuine interest in me.

  29. Communication.

    If she doesn’t even seem interested in a basic way,, or can’t bother to even help carry a conversation or add something to the date i planned in anyway, I lose interest so fast.

    Courting (old school version) kinda has lost its meaning since OLD, when everyone has options and anyone could drop / ghost you at any point.

    Even in real life, I had one woman I was talking to for a week ask me probably 3 questions in totally (ft and text) and just stopped talking to her.

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