This would be a band that was deemed “popular” to hate

  1. Nickelback and Creed are basically the poster children for this question. Above-average butt rock that got overplayed to death because it was secretly kinda good, but people got sick of it and pretended they actually hated it.

    There’s a lot of “music” out there that’s actually *bad*, these guys were good.

  2. Nickleback. Because they literally sound like every single band that was on the radio in 2002.

  3. Dave Matthews Band. Like it’s fine, and I’d rather listen to all the albums on repeat for a year than one Imagine Dragons song.

  4. Styx. One of the greatest American rock bands, and they only got a bad rap because most critics are cynical assholes.

  5. Apparently, I’m supposed to say “Nickelback”.

    I don’t get how “people only say they hated Nickelback as a meme” is a thing, but “people only say ‘*people only say they hated Nickelback as a meme*’ as a meme ” isn’t.

  6. Just country music as a whole. It sucks how the whole genre gets shit on because of the handful of “lowest common denominator” acts that get played on the radio.

    So judging from the downvotes apparently this question had an incorrect answer?

  7. As someone who had a boss who would play the country station on the radio 24/7 at work, I really have to disagree. Now I need to say up front I love rock, blues, and even plenty of country classics like johnny cash and willy nelson.

    I really REALLY tried my best to actually listen. The station had my respect actually because I hardly ever heard the same song multiple times (other than chicken fried for some reason) but even so, it was all just such nothing music. For music that is supposedly from the heart about the everyman, it was hilariously soulless and dull. If i listened to it again for the first time now I’d assume it was all written by an ai with how formulaic it all was. It was mind numbing and infuriating.

    So yes, I absolutely do not doubt there are plenty of incredible, original, talented country musicians out there… but they’re hardly on the radio, or in my spotify recommended, or in the top playlist. And if I have to dig through hundreds of thousands of hours of slop to find the good stuff… then I’d say the hate is generally justified.

    But thats my opinion. I applaud you for saying something that you actually think is true instead of nickleback

  8. U2

    Joy Division (“Hate” in terms of too much focus on Ian Curtis hanging himself. Ian Curtis was a lyrical genius.)

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