I totally understand that some people have “open marriages” and that’s great for them if that’s what makes them happy. This is not about that.

However…regarding married men that do *not* have a partner that is comfortable with them seeking out/flirting with/meeting/dating/sleeping with other people, stop messaging single women. It’s so not cool.

Obviously it’s disrespectful to the wife who is probably clueless her husband is looking for someone else to fulfill his emotional and possibly physical needs. Or worse, she’s not clueless and knows something is going on and has to deal with anxiety and pain of not being connected to her husband and feeling like she’s being lied to/hidden things from/etc.
But not only is it disrespectful to wife and the marriage, it’s disrespectful to the single woman who is searching for a partner.

This post comes out of frustration, from all the married men who have messaged me. My take on it is just why? It’s actually kind of hurtful to me. I probably shouldn’t take it that way, I realize these men are selfish and only looking to have their desires and feelings fulfilled, but it still bothers me. I deserve to have a chance at least to find someone who is ideal for me, who wants similar things. A man who can make time for me, who cares about getting to know me, who might be interested in meeting and dating me. A man who is emotionally and physically available and not tied to another woman! Someone who is honest and would be faithful and kind and truthful with me!
A married man trying to talk with single women is the worst kind of person. Not only is he showing that he doesn’t care if he hurts the lady who loves him, but he doesn’t care that he’s wasting the time of a woman looking for a real partner either.

  1. At the risk of setting off a hornets nest…not all single girls feel like you do about Married Men.

  2. Even worse is when they take advantage of a single mother! To the point it affects her and her kids that have done nothing wrong and never asked to be chewed up and spat out.

  3. Maybe your soul mate is married already and you have to meet him and it will pull him out of his shitty marriage and into both of you’re perfect mate for life… Idk. Wouldn’t want to miss out on that myself…

  4. Found out my coworker had a wife today. So did his girlfriend when they met. It was hilarious and he deserves the divorce

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