Me 24(M) and my gf 25F are in long distance since 5 months. My gf and i spent a week together last month.
Now she is coming back to my city this month and i need to travel to my hometown during that time to attend a wedding.She wants me to comeback for 2 days during the weekend. I overcommitted to her that i will come to meet her.
But now i am feeling that it will be very hectic for me to travel just to be here for 2 day. I am having slip disc issues and it flares up when i travel alot. Because we have already been together for a week just 10 days before…. I feel like i should not do that. She is coming to my city (here home) to attend a event.
Please suggest an excuse that will not make her upset if i tell her that i am backing off my commitment. She will become upset rather than understanding my situation.
So i need a real reason to give her for cancelling the visit


  1. Be honest She will be upset it’s only natural be it’s better then lying or making an excuse

  2. So you have back issues at 24? If you were 50 or 60 I’d give you a pass on this, but if I were her, I wouldn’t buy this excuse. How far is it to this wedding? I assume you drive there? Why not invite her to the wedding?

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