Hi guys! I need your point of view on my situation. I literally don’t even know where to start but I was with the same guy for 7 years and long story short, he was the first person that I could truly be myself with dating-wise

I loved him but at the same time I was so unhappy with the relationship because he did less than the bare minimum for me. He was never romantic, he never planned anything for us, he was always at work on the weekend so I had to constantly sacrifice my schedule so we could do things, he was very critical of me, and had been caught talking to women either by text or social media multiple times, couldn’t keep a job and was always broke. I love to travel and we never did together due to him being broke or constant job jumping. Moving forward, I was going to therapy for years now due to childhood trauma because I was trying to learn and grow as a person and he had a broken dysfunctional family dynamic growing up. It was pretty bad but it’s too much to explain on this post. I told him he should consider therapy many times but he never went

Long story short, my intention and anxiety felt off a couple of times in our relationship and it was so difficult for me to bring up difficult conversations with him but in the beginning of our relationship it was so easy for me. I wonder what happened there that I couldn’t bring myself to do it anymore?

So basically what happened is that I knew something was off but couldn’t figure it out. So last week on Wednesday we were texting normal and everything seemed fine but around 8pm he stopped texting me for 2 hours and we’ve always given each other time to text each other back

But then my intuition started going crazy as well as my anxiety. So I checked his location and he was at a sit down restaurant for a while and he never told me he was going. He would do this is to me often by the way, he would go places and not let me know ahead of time and only tell me once he was there which also really bothered me because sometimes I didn’t really know with who or anything. So what happened is that my intuition was going off, so my sister had university classes the night near the restaurant and I had her go check his location because I had a gut feeling he was with a girl. It was super suspicious because with his two guy best friends, they would always go to the same bar or go get wings

At first, she couldn’t find him but then she found his car and two/three other cars in the empty parking lot around 10pm because the restaurant had closed already but across that restaurant there was a little shopping center with Starbucks and stuff like that with outside tables

So my sister called me back and she said he’s with a girl and I was hurt and devastated. But since I’ve caught him messaging women in the past various times which has caused us to break up a couple of times on top of him being emotionally abusive for years

So my first reaction was to just block him not give him closure. So since he works for a phone servicer company, he has a second phone line he has for free and he called me with that second phone right after since I had blocked him already on his main phone

So he calls me and he says that he wasn’t cheating, he was asking his coworker for advice about our relationship

What I find odd is like why does he have to go to a sit down restaurant with another woman and then continue talking at tables outside even after the fact? He didn’t even tell me he was going out either or with who. He never even took me to that restaurant. But he texted me with his second phone and said he wasn’t cheating but only when to talk to her about us. And then he said things hadn’t been feeling the same and he thinks we shouldn’t be together anymore

It just drives me insane because he’s never had accountability for his actions so it’s extremely difficult for me to believe that he wasn’t on a whole date with another woman when he knew he hadn’t texted me back or wasn’t answering my calls. So that’s the reason I had my sister go check and his own sister told me I should go check also and then I find him with another woman

My sister is the opposite from me, when he saw him and the girl she told me over the phone, I’m sorry but I’m going to get off my car and pretend I’m going to buy something. She did and she called him out for being there and she told him he’s a piece of shit that doesn’t even wash his ass with the girl there with him. When my sister said that, he agreed and said I know I am a piece of shit. And then my sister asked if I knew he was there and he said yes. And my sister was like no she doesn’t, you’re not even answering her calls and he said “I’ll deal with her when I can”. My sister told the girl that if she wants to put up with him to go ahead but that he’s done this to me multiple times. My sister went back to her car and shortly after, they got up to leave also

What do you guys think this situation? What he on another date? Why did my intuition go off like that. Sorry I wrote a novel but it was hard to squeeze this info on a small paragraph

  1. First, if he wanted to talk to a coworker about your relationship, he could easily do that over the phone. He lied, he got caught, he is backpeddling. It is hard but walk away.

  2. 70m. Your heading refers to him as your ex. If that is the case then move on. If that is not the case then why stay with someone who does the bare minimum? Not my idea of a partner much less a friend.

  3. It sounds like the stereotypical ‘toxic bad boy’ situation where the girl wants the guy who has no real interest in being caught. The only thing missing is the backstory element of the girl leaving the ‘perfect good guy that bored her’ first.

  4. He’s a piece of garbage what do you think what are you what else could you think he’s a lying piece of garbage and dump him don’t ever talk to him again and hope he gets a bit by a dog on his left nut all the best

  5. I don’t mean this in a mean way because a LOT of people operate this way, but this relationship sounds horrible in every way.

    If your boyfriend having lunch with someone else gets you to break up and find someone you actually get along with, great!

    But next time give yourself permission to get out of horrible relationships even if you don’t catch your partner cheating.

  6. Jesus. You clearly aren’t happy with this man so why oh why have you stayed with him for so long, and how on earth do you think you loved him? You need to gain some self respect. This hasn’t been a good relationship for years, but you stayed in it, why? Why do people put up with this nonsense rather than be on their own? Been lonely on your own is a damn site better than been lonely in a relationship. You should be feeling happy to be out of this relationship

  7. You deserve better than this. Of course it was a date.

    But, even if it wasn’t, he is never available on weekends, broke, and not into traveling. He is not the right guy for you.

    You can dump him for any reason or no reason, and you don’t need to give him any explanation or chance to argue about it. Walk away and do look back.

  8. If it’s true then he’d get the other woman to talk to you and show she isn’t a threat and has both of your best intentions at heart. But that probably isn’t the case.

  9. I think he should be talking to you about your relationship and not another woman. Even if their dinner and hang out was innocent to start, he was disrespecting your relationship by telling your problems to another woman. But let’s be honest, it was what it looked like. He was on a date and got caught. Glad your sister called him out in front of his date. She can deal with him now. Move on with your life. He’ll only change when/if he wants to. You can’t force that. At this point, he’s not taking any accountability and is not remorseful so the likehood of him changing is slim. He’s only upset he got caught. He’s probably crawling back to you because your sister embarrassed him and the other woman probably cut him out.

  10. If it was innocent you would have known about the meal before he went. And also why is he talking to another single woman about your relationship? You are the person he would talk to. It’s a bad lie, too many holes

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