My best friend stopped talking to me after dating a not so good boy

I (19m) and my Best friend (also 19-f) are friends since 2nd grade (7 years) and I have huge crush on her since I met her.
However, the situation not day is not that great after we started 10th grade. Every year, we would sit together, eat lunch together and did everything fun activity together like going to school field trip ect. Our parents also know each other parents very well. She is a Topper in our class just like me- but she’s just better then me. She has a great personality, decent looks and a cute smile. Infact, the reason I love her is because of her personality, not her looks.

As I mentioned earlier, she started behaving differently after entering 10th grade, she started dating a guy who was my friend earlier, but he was such a betrayer, that I left him. I think he seduced her to date him so as to make me jealous. Now I don’t want to third wheel them but I do know some thing about him. First of all- He is a failure. He is a spoiled brat whose parents buy him everything he wants- without doing any hardwork. Second- He has decent looks but lacks a good personality and can go to any extent to make fun of others.

My best friend and I have stopped talking because of him, and at one time we were so close that we felt comfortable that sleeping together on the same bed (just slept, we are orthodox people, we won’t do the deed).
I just needed to share this and needed an advice on what I should do.
My best friend ghosted me because she started dating a guy whose is not at all good and my best friend and me were really really close.
Any advice is accepted to help me cope/deal with this situation.

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