I (female) Ive noticed when ever having sex or masturbatting that after what feels like release normally don’t see any white cum (only what i assume is precum) but after a few hours or when i wake up (and im normally standing) do i feel and see cum. Ive tried googling it and nothing comes out dos anyone know why this happens or if its only me

  1. Penises have ejaculation couple with orgasm to delivery semen and sperm. There’s no default release coupled with orgasm for vaginas. Different people may experience different things like sudden copious vaginal discharge or squirting, but that’s not a rule. Maybe it just takes a while to work its way down and out?

  2. The “white cum” you’re referring to and expecting is male semen.

    Vaginas do not ejaculate or excrete cum like a penis does. The wetness women have is from natural lubrication or cervical mucus and it does not typically even leak out though some women getter wetter and have more watery lubrication than others.

    Sometimes our natural lubrication which is clearish does get creamy during sex or masturbation because it basically gets aerated but it’s normal for there not to be anything at all coming out of you.

    The gush you experience later sounds more like when a partner ejaculates inside you and then their semen leaks back out. But its also possible you have cervical mucus or lubrication that was waiting for some help from gravity.

  3. … how old are you? Do they have sex education in your country? Vaginas don’t usually ejaculate white cum, only penises do

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