Shorts, jeans, tracksuit. In relation to your belly button. Covered, higher? Lower?

No right or wrong answer. Just curious.

  1. I usually wear them as low as I can (but not like sagging), never anywhere near my belly button. I guess riding on my hips

  2. The older I get the higher I wear them. One day I’ll have to unzip my fly to be able to see the road when I’m driving.

  3. Most of my pants are low-rise because that’s what most retailers sell. I do own mid-rise jeans that end just under the belly button and a few chinos sitting between the hips and belly button, but most of my tops are long enough that you can’t see a visual difference in proportions if I don’t tuck in the shirt, which is a little disappointing.

    Finding pants with a higher rise is near impossible for in-person shopping, and I dislike ordering pants online because they don’t tell you the rise or even if you do, you still don’t know how it fits you unless you buy it.

    I’d like my suit pants to be on the higher end of mid-rise, but I haven’t had a reason to buy a new one outside of me wanting it

  4. The goal is to not need a shirt and just put a tie through the belt loops. Then I cut my clothing budget in half.


  5. Anywhere between sitting on my belly button and right below my gut is fine, but I draw the line when really “low rise” trousers start trying to slide off my ass.

  6. More or less at my hip. But my thighs are a bit weird so I have to always buy a size or two larger than one would with my build and height. Hence I always wear a belt.

  7. just about where my hips stick out or a little above it so they can hold on from the ties

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