Because of Amber Heard and knowing someone who has been falsely accused of sexual assault (I feel peripherally drawn in), I’m hesitant to sleep with girls for the first time due to fear of being metoo’d.

While unlikely to happen to me, I’m not great at picking these things up and I’m generally an anxious guy, so I’d like to know if you guys have any ways to screen for crazy

  1. >I’m hesitant to sleep with girls for the first time due to fear of being metoo’d.

    They can’t force you to have sex, and if they somehow do, it’s rape and you can denounce it (Unless they kill you, in which case you’re dead).

  2. Listen closely to when they talk about their ex’s. If they talk about how crazy all their ex’s have been it’s usually a good sign that them themselves are the crazy one.

  3. Crazy people will invariably tell you they are crazy within the first conversation you have with them. You just have to listen.

  4. Do some research on personality disorders and similar mental issues. They all have characteristic symptoms.

  5. You can’t. The really crazy ones keep it together for at least 3 to 6 months to hook you.

  6. Don’t bed women too quickly. That will disperse the 1st level of crazies.

    You’ll then be exposed to level 2 which is possessive behaviour and trying to take control of you.

    3rd level crazy involves them shaping the environment around you like your home so it becomes theirs.

    The 4th level crazy has them realizing that they don’t need you any longer. They push you out while keeping the assets and retaining half of what you earn.

  7. When talking about exes, if all of her exes were described as toxic, abusive, narcissistic, etc then she’s bad candy. Run for the hills. If she’s excessively loving when you’re first getting to know each other, like, “honeymoon phase, everything’s perfect” kind of shit, run for the hills.

  8. Don’t sleep with a woman for the first time if there’s a significant amount of alcohol involved.

    Be respectful and make her breakfast the next morning. Later on send one of those “I had a good time yesterday, I hope you did too” texts. That’s a smart bit of insurance to get her on the record.

  9. Honestly? Never do anything sexual if there’s drugs / alcohol involved. It’s not worth it and neither of you can really truly consent while under the influence. As far as “how to screen for crazy?” Man I wish I could tell you. Had this one girl that seemed perfect in every way on the first few dates but we had sex once and she turned into a stalker, showing up to my house at all hours unaccounced, showing up to my job, texting mutual friends asking where I am and then showing up to where I was. Sometimes you just simply don’t know how someone will turn out. I’ve had one night stands as well as girls who waited a few months before we did anything sexual. Everybody’s different there’s no certain way to screen for crazy.

  10. Listen to how she’s talks about others, exes her general attitude, if you feel something is off it probably is, don’t discount your gut feeling. Also unless you’re looking for a hookup and nothing else don’t have sex on the first date, if she does with you….how many others did she do that with……..

  11. Use me as your wingman it takes crazy to smell crazy although they are good crazy and bunny boiler crazy those fuckers i can’t smell out but they can smell me out.

    I’ve never fucked crazy but i have dated crazy.

  12. On the first date? there’s no surefire way to screen crazies that quickly unless they out themselves by being rude to staff or talk about their Ex the hole time. Honestly the best way to protect yourself is just DON’T have sex on the first date. However.. if you’re dating someone and really want to screen them, I go grocery shopping with them. Sounds crazy but if you pay attention it can tell you a lot about a person. Are they courteous/observant of other shoppers or impatient and block isles? How do they treat the staff? Do they shop with a list? Do they put their cart away? Do they take a couple grapes off of a bunch and eat them while they shop but then don’t buy the bunch?!

  13. You can tell if she is crazy by the way she talks about others, the way she talks to others, the way she carries herself.

    If she is a materialistic and superficial person, run. If she is too good to be true, then you should run.

  14. For starters, you don’t need to fuck every woman you have a first date with.

    Any topic of conversation should be met with reasonable, sound responses and a sense of humor.

    If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Rushing to the nearest bathroom stall or car to blow you, no matter how hot it is, probably isn’t going to turn out well in the long run. This is a different than a night ending in sex, which I think is perfectly fine.

  15. Sorry to butt in as a lady but your female friends and family are PRICELESS to help you weed out crazy women. I have a lot of awesome bloke friends and I am ruthlessly honest about their potential women to them (only when asked). I have no time for manipulative women and can see right through all of that on their behalf 👍

  16. Don’t sleep with someone before you’re really in a relationship with them.

    Abortion, false rape accusations, STDs….Come on people, this isn’t hard.

  17. I mean… not to be a prude but… you’d think you’d want to get to know them well enough that you have a good idea how they are before the sex. Not that I’m saying you shouldn’t have sex on the first date, but uh… it better be a pretty good first date where you get to know them a bit, lol.

    Yeah probably best to avoid heavy drinking/drug use beforehand. But you should have been considering this long before any particular recent celebrity stuff. Better late than never lol.

  18. “I’m hesitant to sleep with girls for the first time due to fear of being metoo’d.”
    So what exactly are you doing that a woman would hold against you?
    Maybe develop a relationship and get to know the people you are fucking and provide them the love and care they deserve afterwards?
    Good lord this sub…

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