As the title states, my (20F) boyfriend (22) is going on his first rave with one of his close friends next week, and I don’t know how to feel about it. I’ve been with him for over a year and are happy. For context, I have a history of insecurity and anxiety over the idea of him becoming drugged up and doing things or saying things he shouldn’t, and him doing this on an open field doesn’t sound like the most wise thing to do. I know it’s his first ever experience of it, that I respect and don’t want to have an issue with.

**TL;DR** Is it normal for me to be so worried about my boyfriend going on his first rave, considering how he is someone who does a lot of things just to impress?

  1. It ok to be concerned, it is normal. You should sit with him and convey those feeling in a nice way of course. Insecurity and anxiety have nothing to do with putting safety first. You just want him to be cautious and safe.

  2. Is he bringing his own stash? That would be my concern. Fentanyl is cut into so much crap.

  3. There’s nothing wrong with being worried for his wellbeing. That said, it sounds like you are more so worried about his behavior while he’s on drugs. Has he ever given you a reason to be concerned about it?
    Ultimately, you can’t control what someone does or says, regardless of whether or not they’re sober. Talk to him about your concerns, but remember that he will do ehat he wants to do and that’s not in your control.

  4. I say let him groove but obviously anyone that cares for someone wants to make sure they stay safe when playing with fire (drugs)

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