Honestly I’m just really curious.

  1. I haven’t been in a relationship in 15 years and there are still times where I wish her and I were still together. To be honest, I don’t think I had the closure I needed to move on.

  2. I’m a mess. There were two that left a mark so bad, I stopped trying. 😔

  3. Going on year 8. My ex fiancée & I were engaged to be married. I had a great job & was paying for her to go back to college to be a veterinarian. I was driving to work one day, when I had a seizure. (Pulled over to the side of the highway & nobody was hurt.) I ended up getting a left temporal lobectomy (brain surgery) and the surgery went well. I had over 2 years of rehab, learning how to talk & walk again (balance was atrocious after surgery.) I woke up one morning, and she was gone. Packed up the car I bought her with her clothes, my dog, and cash I kept around the house. Got my dog back though, & that’s all I needed. I’m a loner that plays golf alone & I have no interest in another relationship. I don’t trust anyone anymore.

  4. It takes time, but try to keep your mind busy, get into outdoors recreational activities and keep your life busy.

  5. My story is a bit weird.

    I’ve dated 3 people in total, the one I miss is my 2nd.

    Long story short (okay not short), 2nd is the most amazing person I ever met, she genuinely cared for me and she was the easiest person to talk to. Legit would have married her when I began life for real. We broke up because I left for college and distance was gonna be rough. Along came my 3rd and she had extreme jealousy issues, became obsessed with my 2nd when she saw her in an old picture of her I didn’t realize I had. 3rd had the audacity to send her messages saying I am hers (my 3rd) and proceeded to block her on everything. fast forward to end of college and i broke up with my third. I didn’t really think I would miss my second until I began reflecting my life as I was deeply depressed at this point. But I figured she moved on and I need to as well.

    Fast forward to this years easter, I decided to go to church for once with family and I had a vision (or a really intense daydream) where my 2nd was smiling at me. There is more to the vision but to keep it simple, it clearly seemed like she was with me in my life again in the vision.

    Here is the kicker, I am not religious at all so for me to see such a thing baffles me. Now I just sit here wondering what that vision is about and if I should bring her back into my life somehow or just move on.

  6. Not me but my closest female cousin. She’s been hung up since summer. They were fwb. She asked him out. He turned her down. She started to move on. He called again saying give him time.

    The circle went on. Each time she pulled away, he contacted.

    She’s still pining. He still contacts enough for her to pine. I told her block and be done but she won’t.

    She’s going out with friends. Planned a vacation with me and my kids and hers.

    Keeping busy seems to be the best thing to do

  7. 10years in she found someone else and took my son. It’s been 12yrs now, she married him and I still hurt, still don’t trust people.

  8. Crushes are usually replaced with other crushes, and it’s always been like this for me. I’ve never had a clean mind in this part. I’m currently handling a massive prospect that ghosted me after a whole year of quite intimate conversations, which’s quite a big deal for an older and inexperienced guy like me.

  9. 7 months since my spilt. Blindsided and dumped via text and given no chance to discuss things before or after. Slowly getting my heart back together. Acceptance is key. Also recognizing that it’s not all one’s fault. Forgiveness, too. I don’t really trust other women just yet and I’m happy to spend the next period of my life single and working on myself.

  10. Took me two solid years to get over my first. Her and I have a kid and she was my first everything. She gutted me and I didn’t want to even slightly entertain trying for another relationship until I knew I was damn ready to. I’m over her and another subsequent baby momma now lol.

  11. I’m over my ex. What I can’t seem to get over is how freaking difficult it is to find my next. It’s been 2.5 years since I’ve gotten so much as a kiss from a girl and that’s what is breaking my heart.

  12. Mine was kind of complicated, I still don’t fully understand what happened and I definitely didn’t get any closure. My confidence was absolutely wrecked by it, as was my trust.

    Short version: I thought she was this perfect woman for me. She would say and do things she knew would make me happy. She was always reassuring me that she loved me, that I was good to her and that she was happy with me.

    At some point she just flat out said that she didn’t love me any more and maybe never did. She said she didn’t really want the same things as me out of life (like marriage and a family, etc) and she only said those things because she was trying to make me happy because I was “a great guy who treated her really well.” She still reassured me that I was great, classic it’s “me not you”. She said she could see it on my face and in my eyes every time I looked at her that I was just so deeply and passionately in love with her, and that she just didn’t feel the same way about me as I did about her. Then she moved to another state, cut me out of her life completely and I haven’t heard from her at all in 3 years.

    I miss her more and more as the years goes by. I still love her. Time is not healing these wounds.

  13. I have been on a “heartbreak” for a girl that I never got the chance to even meet in real life for 10 years now, and it’s still going.

  14. Play Cher’s song BELIEVE until you get so tired of it you want to carry on….

  15. Well
    Split up for 21/2 yearsshe,s told me th
    There was no one else during this time
    I want to believe her but all her actions tell a different story it’s like. Being on a merry go round I love this woman dearly
    But lately it feels like I got
    A monkey on my back I can sense it when we have xxx it’s like she pre
    Occupied I cons
    Entrated on her lately I’ve been paying attention to her while. We have xxx s
    He is doing everything she
    Can not to
    Enjoy what,s happening her body langueage tell it all r
    Ight now we are
    Together I don’t know how things are going turn out here,s to the good life

  16. After 13 years together, we both decided to go separate ways. But I felt really alone, couple of months. I tried to occupy myself, to be busy, upgrade my new ME. Few months later, I got broken again somehow, no matter how much I tried. After like 8 months, I was completely over it… I don’t have many good friends in a city I live now so, sometimes I still feel kinda broken / useless. But I won’t give up. I hope 🙂 And I don’t feel like dating girls. I fight my skeletons in silence, trying to enjoy and appreciate little things in life. Maybe someday I’ll be truly happy. Alone, or with someone else…

  17. Was dating this woman for a year and a half. We were only really meant to be a one night stand but ended up falling for one another.

    We had plans to move in together and were weeks away from looking for houses. We were both so excited.

    Then at a work drinks event she had someone attempt to kiss her, which she rejected. However, this led her to do some introspection and realise she wasn’t ready to settle down. As much as she said she loved me she felt horrible about the lust she felt that night and didn’t want to give up the freedom of being able to take those spontaneous opportunities.

    Went from moving in together to broken up in 4 days. Got major emotional whiplash from that.

    It’s been about 6 months now. I’m mostly positive but I still go through some depressive episodes where I want things to go back to when I was happily with her. Then other times I get angry at her and the situation but I know that’s not how I really feel. Alot of the time I’m not sure if I miss her anymore or if I miss the relationship. Either way I guess I’m still a bit hurt and find it hard to trust women in a romantic capacity, especially younger women as I wrongly assume that they probably don’t know what they want yet.

    Edit: I should add I still respect the hell out of her as she was an incredibly intelligent and capable woman who was kicking absolute ass in a male dominated industry while remaining so sweet and kind the whole time. Don’t know if I love her anymore but she was a badass

  18. There was once a girl who was perfect for me. Her looks, her character, her hobbies and everything else was just perfect and I mean perfect for me (probably not for everyone) and in her presence I was able to be just myself and let go of everyday stress and enjoy our time together. But of course I screwed it up. It’s been 3 years now and to this day no girl has come close to her and I keep thinking about her and what could have been. Unfortunately I know it’s 100% my fault that it ended.

  19. My very first ex all remember from that day is complete and utter betrail I turned around and walked away all I want to know is why I mean she distroyd me and I never learned why

  20. I’ve never trusted nor completely liked my gfs(messed up I know).

    Im still hung over my last one, she was a hudge pep talker! I felt Soo good having her around, I moved to a city to take a diploma course failed, got in financial states, she left… Now no friends, family, community, gf, or better job in just… Broken?

    I workout, drink, play guitar, study,and fantasize meeting her again and showing how well I bounced back.

  21. Isolation. Only time I see the outside is groceries, work, or mail. Some days I forget the mail. I try to push myself to go do something but that gets harder to do.

  22. Its been 4 years. Over a year a half relationship, one woman emotionally abused me into a broken empty shell of a person. Spent 4 years trying to figure out who I want to be now and also not sure I trust my own judgement when it comes to partners.

  23. I find someone else to occupy my time. It’s hard to care about an ex when you upgrade with someone new.

    The faster I find a new woman is directly in proportion to how much I liked them.

  24. Showed her true colors, I guess. Things got rough, you needed her help, she bounced.

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